Title: Mac version Post by: PH Focal-Scape on June 14, 2017, 06:30:18 PM Hello Mike
I was pleasantly surprised to read on the Luminous Landscape Forum that you are developing a Mac version of QImage. Is that true? Peter Title: Re: Mac version Post by: Fred A on June 14, 2017, 06:54:39 PM Quote I was pleasantly surprised to read on the Luminous Landscape Forum that you are developing a Mac version of QImage. Is that true? Peter, this a paste from an email whichI assumed was sent to everyone???. "Mac news: we are now actively working on a version of Qimage for the Mac. We plan to have something available for the Mac by fall 2017. Please stay tuned for further developments." Fred Title: Re: Mac version Post by: PH Focal-Scape on June 14, 2017, 07:08:28 PM Thanks Fred.
Haven't received such an email. I'll check the server spam folder. Peter Update: not in server spam Title: Re: Mac version Post by: Fred A on June 14, 2017, 07:32:01 PM I sent the paste in a personal post. I don't have yo0uremail address.
I actually got this email only in my gmail box, not in my Verizon box. That may indicate it was sent to old Qimage owners who have not upped their Qimage in a while. My gmail address might show in Mike's data base as me being a dead beat, so I got a reminder. Fred Title: Re: Mac version Post by: PH Focal-Scape on June 14, 2017, 07:39:55 PM Received your copy thanks Fred.
Title: Re: Mac version Post by: admin on June 14, 2017, 10:37:52 PM Yes. We are working closely with another company to develop a Mac version. The initial release will likely be focused only on printing features and will not cover non-printing aspects of Qimage Ultimate like raw editing, photo editing (filters), image databasing, etc. Obviously Qimage Ultimate has become much more than just a printing tool over the years so focusing on the printing aspects will allow us to get something out for the Mac sooner.
Regards, Mike Title: Re: Mac version Post by: PH Focal-Scape on June 14, 2017, 11:42:00 PM That's good news Mike. Thanks for the further information.
This should quell us moaning Mac users! Incidently, I tested a Mac RIP recently and compared output with QIU. The test wasn't comprehensive however the latter was noticably better in definition! Regards Peter Title: Re: Mac version Post by: admin on June 15, 2017, 01:14:46 AM That's good news Mike. Thanks for the further information. This should quell us moaning Mac users! Incidently, I tested a Mac RIP recently and compared output with QIU. The test wasn't comprehensive however the latter was noticably better in definition! Regards Peter Had a meeting with a (large, to remain unnamed) international company that specializes in inkjet printing. They sell RIPs, Qimage, Photoshop, and lots of other software. The consensus in the meeting was that these days the OS drivers are so good that RIPs don't really excel in printed quality (detail). RIPs offer features like the ability to print B/W without using certain inks which helps (some) printers produce better B/W output. And some of them offer ways to clear individual channels. But other than some niche specialized needs, it appears that RIPs are going the way of the manual transmission. You just don't need to spend a lot of money to get good prints. Mike Title: Re: Mac version Post by: Peter Gregg on July 22, 2017, 02:05:48 AM I love the FlashPipe part of QI. Will that be a part of the upcoming Mac version?
Peter Title: Re: Mac version Post by: admin on July 23, 2017, 06:44:15 PM I love the FlashPipe part of QI. Will that be a part of the upcoming Mac version? Peter No, the Mac version will be for printing only, so... Qimage (and a "Lite" version at that). Not Qimage Ultimate. Regards, Mike Title: Re: Mac version Post by: teppy on August 13, 2017, 06:30:48 PM I would be so happy to have qumage available for MAC. Right now, I am transitioning from my 5D III to a new 5DIV. With that I am having to upgrade my 2009 Mac Pro with more storage or just a new Mac Pro. I run photoshop, Lightroom, Pro select and Corel painter. I think that I need to go with the new system to be able to handle the new 30 mp files and updated software that they will need. So, I am in a transition period now. I would so LOVE to be able to work with qimage again! Lightroom is still a pain for me and not Unser friendly. I always understood qimage from the beginning, it just always made sense to me. Our studio runs 4 epson printers as we do all in house printing. I belong to a number of photographer groups and organizations. PPA, PPLA and i am a CPP with PPA and currently working on my masters degree. I would definitely be thrilled to recommend qimage this everyone. I will be waiting to hear about the MAC release and would even love to beta test.
Stephanie gaspard Title: Re: Mac version Post by: PH Focal-Scape on October 12, 2017, 10:45:31 PM Any update of progress?
Merely curious! Peter Quote I was pleasantly surprised to read on the Luminous Landscape Forum that you are developing a Mac version of QImage. Is that true? Peter, this a paste from an email whichI assumed was sent to everyone???. "Mac news: we are now actively working on a version of Qimage for the Mac. We plan to have something available for the Mac by fall 2017. Please stay tuned for further developments." Fred Title: Re: Mac version Post by: admin on October 13, 2017, 02:17:20 PM Still on schedule. It's far enough along that we're actually starting to beta test it internally while adding the final bells and whistles. Looks like we will still have a Mac beta to show our small private beta group somewhere around the first week of November. The invites to that beta test group will go out in the next week via email. If you get an email about being in the pre-release beta program, it's because your combination of reported hardware, software, and experience are needed for testing.
Regards, Mike Title: Re: Mac version Post by: PH Focal-Scape on October 13, 2017, 03:13:18 PM The progress is great to hear. Thanks Mike.
Peter Title: Re: Mac version Post by: philm on November 01, 2017, 09:53:55 PM Now we're into November just wondering if this is this still on track Mike - would love to get a Mac version. The only thing I keep a separate Windows PC for now is Qimage :)
Title: Re: Mac version Post by: lhodaniel on December 24, 2017, 05:51:26 PM Mike,
I'm very interested in this! My Qimage subscription expired because I went solely Mac 2 years ago. Any ETA on the Mac version? I would love to be a beta tester! I'm on a 2015 MBP with an Epson 7600 and Artisan 810. I would definitely like to see Qimage Mac before I invest in Bluecubit's ImageNest. I have no doubt that it will be the superior product. Regards, Lloyd Title: Re: Mac version Post by: admin on December 24, 2017, 07:03:33 PM We are so far along that the beta program is closed now. I'd say if you can wait a couple weeks... it'd be worth waiting. :)
Mike Title: Re: Mac version Post by: lhodaniel on December 26, 2017, 05:27:15 PM Will do!
Title: Re: Mac version Post by: jefftee on January 09, 2018, 10:38:59 PM Hi, I read that QImage for the Mac would be available early January... Any update you can provide when we might see it released? Thanks.
Title: Re: Mac version Post by: admin on January 12, 2018, 05:31:29 PM Qimage One was released yesterday (1-11) for both Mac and PC! Please visit the web page for info:
http://www.binartem.com Regards, Mike Title: Re: Mac version Post by: PH Focal-Scape on January 12, 2018, 08:54:09 PM Congratulations Mike.
A very welcome software for Mac users. Have purchased and am looking forward to using it. Where will the user's forum be located? Regards Peter Qimage One was released yesterday (1-11) for both Mac and PC! Please visit the web page for info: http://www.binartem.com Regards, Mike Title: Re: Mac version Post by: DdeGannes on January 12, 2018, 09:51:09 PM Qimage One was released yesterday (1-11) for both Mac and PC! Please visit the web page for info: I am on vacation with my iPad and will not be able to try until I return home on the 15th Jan.http://www.binartem.com Regards, Mike Will this application be a substitute for Qimage Ultimate? Title: Re: Mac version Post by: admin on January 13, 2018, 12:03:53 AM Where will the user's forum be located? Likely on the Binartem website. Hopefully we will have a Qimage One forum there in the next week or so. I am on vacation with my iPad and will not be able to try until I return home on the 15th Jan. Will this application be a substitute for Qimage Ultimate? Depends on your perspective (how you use Ultimate). Qimage One is designed to do one thing: print optimal quality photos easily. So it doesn't try to be all things at once like Ultimate and as a result, Qimage One will not have capabilities like editing, email sending, file conversion, slide shows, database/search, and other functions that are not directly related to the photo printing process. Ultimate will (for now) remain PC only and continues forward being the "Swiss Army Knife" of photo printing tools. Qimage Ultimate 2018.113 is due out next week. Regards, Mike Title: Re: Mac version YAEEEEE! Post by: cutupguy on January 13, 2018, 07:32:06 AM THANK YOU, MIKE for the Mac version of Qimage! Just bought it today. Now I can be done with Windows and my Virtual Machine. What a relief!
Re. Qimage One, I miss the QU feature of printing the file name on the edge of the print, but I found a Lightroom plug-in called "LR/Mogrify 2" at photographers-toolbox dot com that pretty well does the same thing. It is an Export plug-in that adds the ability to place the filename outside of the image. I simply Export the images I want to print into a "print queue" folder, then Q1 takes it from there. Al Title: Re: Mac version Post by: Ernst Dinkla on January 14, 2018, 10:46:16 AM Will I create a problem if I try the Windows Qimage One Demo on the same system I have Qimage Ultimate on?
Is there a kind of upgrade path when Qimage One is satisfying and not all QU has in features is used anyway? Met vriendelijke groet, Ernst http://www.pigment-print.com/spectralplots/spectrumviz_1.htm March 2017 update, 750+ inkjet media white spectral plots Title: Re: Mac version Post by: Fred A on January 14, 2018, 10:59:44 AM Quote Will I create a problem if I try the Windows Qimage One Demo on the same system I have Qimage Ultimate on? Is there a kind of upgrade path when Qimage One is satisfying and not all QU has in features is used anyway? I have them both installed. They are totally separate programs which seem to share nothing but familial DNA Fred Title: Re: Mac version Post by: jrsforums on January 14, 2018, 03:21:31 PM Will I create a problem if I try the Windows Qimage One Demo on the same system I have Qimage Ultimate on? Is there a kind of upgrade path when Qimage One is satisfying and not all QU has in features is used anyway? Met vriendelijke groet, Ernst http://www.pigment-print.com/spectralplots/spectrumviz_1.htm March 2017 update, 750+ inkjet media white spectral plots Hi, Ernst....a late Happy New Year.... I have same question on upgrade path. Would appreciate your comments on little things that may be missing “around the edges” of printing in both. (Currently in middle of project. I’ll have to give it a try later) Title: Re: Mac version Post by: PH Focal-Scape on January 15, 2018, 02:47:58 AM Hello Mike
I'm continuing experimenting with QImage One. Using the same Prism derived printer/paper colour profile as for QImage Ultimate, I find that there is a slight colour difference compared with QIU. This appears to be particularly at the white end of the greyscale and the intensity of red. I'm puzzled as to why this should be. To resolve this, I would like to know what setting in QImage One is required so that I can print the Prism standard colour chart. Thank you. Regards Peter Title: Re: Mac version Post by: aaronchan on January 15, 2018, 04:28:30 AM Hi Mike,
I have one little question about the Q1 I love the crop mark features from the QU But where is that feature on Q1? Thanks Aaron Title: Re: Mac version Post by: Fred A on January 15, 2018, 10:05:49 AM Quote Using the same Prism derived printer/paper colour profile as for QImage Ultimate, I find that there is a slight colour difference compared with QIU. This appears to be particularly at the white end of the greyscale and the intensity of red. I'm puzzled as to why this should be Hi Peter, I just did 2 test prints at 5 x 7 on the same sheet of paper using QU and Q-1. I used the test image Printerevaluationimage_V002.TIF It has vivid red strawberries and large gray scales. It has been drying for 30 minutes, but I want it to cure longer. So far identical!! One thing caught me was the fact that I had to start over from scratch to set the driver: Everything from paper type, to Quality settings, Color management OFF, includingh max ppi set to the same. I also had to locate the correct profile from the big batch in \system3spool\drivers\color, making sure that Black point and rendering were the same. I thought that just setting the correct profile would recall the settings. Not so. This Q1 stands on its own two feet. None of the printer presets from QU carry over. So I really had to double and triple check that settings were exactly the same in both programs. I use an Ott light over the prints to get the best eye on the prints. So far identical Fred Title: Re: Mac version Post by: jrsforums on January 15, 2018, 02:17:46 PM I downloaded and did a quick look.
Am I missing something or is there no page editor, with stuff like text and signature? Got impression of basic Qimage printing, without the extras (not talking develop processing). Ok if I was on Mac and wanted a great printing program, but not if you have Ultimate available. Of course, I may have just missed the stuff....?? Title: Re: Mac version Post by: DdeGannes on January 16, 2018, 02:52:03 PM I am attempting to send a jpeg file from Lightroom Classic CC to Qimage One using the "edit in function" to print and get a message that Qimage is unable to open the file.
I am using the Demo version, is this feature disabled? Title: Re: Mac version Post by: Fred A on January 16, 2018, 03:34:48 PM Quote I am attempting to send a jpeg file from Lightroom Classic CC to Qimage One using the "edit in function" to print and get a message that Qimage is unable to open the file. Dennis, I don't have Light room, but in Photo Shop, you are supposed to go to FILE and AUTOMATE and pick Q-1 or QU I will see if I can find Mike Dennis, you are on a MAC? Yes/No? Fred Title: Re: Mac version Post by: DdeGannes on January 16, 2018, 03:50:29 PM Hi! Fred also the Preferences is greyed out in the menu bar. Yes I am on a iMac OS X 10.13.2 High Sierra.
Title: Re: Mac version Post by: admin on January 16, 2018, 04:29:23 PM Dennis,
I think you're just using the wrong function and that message you are getting (about JPEG's not being compatible) is actually from Lightroom. To send images from Lightroom, select the image(s) you want to export and then use File, Plug-in Extras, Qimage One. Regards, Mike Title: Re: Mac version Post by: DdeGannes on January 16, 2018, 04:39:47 PM Dennis, I think you're just using the wrong function and that message you are getting (about JPEG's not being compatible) is actually from Lightroom. To send images from Lightroom, select the image(s) you want to export and then use File, Plug-in Extras, Qimage One. Regards, Mike Thanks Mike, I got back to the forum to post that I had located the menu option. Makes it simpler. Title: Re: Mac version Post by: Fred A on January 16, 2018, 04:41:04 PM See screen snap from PS file menu
Fred Title: Re: Mac version Post by: PH Focal-Scape on January 17, 2018, 02:56:02 AM Hello.
Mac 10.13.2 and Q1 v101 Two queries: 1/ I have been attempting to send a TIFF to Q1 from Capture One Pro (no plugins). I use the same procedure as works sending to Gimp and the Nik Collection (and others). COP creates a TIFF from the RAW and then sends it to the nominated application. Q1 loads, then a notice is presented: "The document Test.tif could nor be opened. Qimage One cannot open files in the "TIFF image" format. Needless to say, the file loads manually from within Q1. Would be handy since COP has a well established and large user base. 2/ In the "Save/Load Printer Settings" are media sizes supposed to be saved and loaded? Doesn't work for me however I realize media size may not be included by design. Thanks. Peter Title: Re: Mac version Post by: Fred A on January 17, 2018, 10:37:21 AM Quote 2/ In the "Save/Load Printer Settings" are media sizes supposed to be saved and loaded? Doesn't work for me however I realize media size may not be included by design. Hi Peter.The save load settings are there for printer setups. See screen snaps. Located over on the right side, middle of top to bottom. The TIF problem has to be looked at by Mike. Question. Does this procedure work if you use Qimage Ultimate? The easiest and fastest way for Mike to see the issue and fix it would be to have the image itself; the Tiff that causes the "Cannot Open" message. So you can send to me via We Transfer (assuming larger than email size) to wathree.ssz@verizon.net. I will see that he gets it immediately. Or you can send directly to Mike at his usual address. mchaney@ddisoftware .com Fred Title: Re: Mac version Post by: PH Focal-Scape on January 18, 2018, 07:23:20 AM Thanks for your reply Fred.
So paper (media) size is not included with the saved printer settings (setups) on Mac Q1. Okay. Regarding TIFF loading: The COP (on Mac) sourced TIFF is what I routinely print using QU (Windows). The Mac version of Q1 will load and print the TIFF from within the application but not when it's sent to Q1 by COP. Because I use different operating systems for running COP and QU I haven't tried automatically transferring between COP and QU Regards Peter Quote 2/ In the "Save/Load Printer Settings" are media sizes supposed to be saved and loaded? Doesn't work for me however I realize media size may not be included by design. Hi Peter.The save load settings are there for printer setups. See screen snaps. Located over on the right side, middle of top to bottom. The TIF problem has to be looked at by Mike. Question. Does this procedure work if you use Qimage Ultimate? The easiest and fastest way for Mike to see the issue and fix it would be to have the image itself; the Tiff that causes the "Cannot Open" message. So you can send to me via We Transfer (assuming larger than email size) to wathree.ssz@verizon.net. I will see that he gets it immediately. Or you can send directly to Mike at his usual address. mchaney@ddisoftware .com Fred Title: Re: Mac version Post by: Fred A on January 18, 2018, 09:41:27 AM Quote So paper (media) size is not included with the saved printer settings (setups) on Mac Q1. Okay. Peter, Perhaps, I misunderstood. The last screen snap, 041 is showing you saved sizes of paper. Two entries of HP glossy, one saved at 8.5 x 11 and the other saved at A3 size paper. What specifically are you trying to save that you believe is missing? Fred Title: Re: Mac version Post by: Fred A on January 18, 2018, 05:11:39 PM Quote Peter, Perhaps, I misunderstood. The last screen snap, 041 is showing you saved sizes of paper. Two entries of HP glossy, one saved at 8.5 x 11 and the other saved at A3 size paper. What specifically are you trying to save that you believe is missing? Peter, As I mentioned, my setups save and recall are the same as QU always did. That includes everything... regarding the printer.... Driver setup, paper type, size, profile, etc But there is the possibility that my Q1 for PC works, but maybe not in a Mac itself. So I asked Mike. He said it all works, but maybe there is something that you specifically wanted, that isn't included in the save... (missed) Please specify what you are missing and what you do before and during the SAVE Fred Title: Re: Mac version Post by: PH Focal-Scape on January 18, 2018, 09:20:01 PM Thanks again for your replies Fred.
In Q1 (Mac) I set up the printing options in right side of Q1. I then check that the settings presented by the Properties button are correct. Back in Q1 window I "Save Printer Settings". Seems that all printing parameters are saved (or retrieved) except Media Size. Mac 10.13.2, Canon Pro-1000 (driver v18.10.0.0). Peter Quote Peter, Perhaps, I misunderstood. The last screen snap, 041 is showing you saved sizes of paper. Two entries of HP glossy, one saved at 8.5 x 11 and the other saved at A3 size paper. What specifically are you trying to save that you believe is missing? Peter, As I mentioned, my setups save and recall are the same as QU always did. That includes everything... regarding the printer.... Driver setup, paper type, size, profile, etc But there is the possibility that my Q1 for PC works, but maybe not in a Mac itself. So I asked Mike. He said it all works, but maybe there is something that you specifically wanted, that isn't included in the save... (missed) Please specify what you are missing and what you do before and during the SAVE Fred Title: Re: Mac version Post by: awilford on January 18, 2018, 09:59:10 PM Peter, could you please post a before and after screenshots showing the printer settings. I will try to recreate it here, since media size is saved with the printer settings.
Andrew Title: Re: Mac version Post by: PH Focal-Scape on January 18, 2018, 10:08:52 PM Hello Andrew.
Could you please elaborate what you mean by "before and after". Before and after which action? Thanks Peter Peter, could you please post a before and after screenshots showing the printer settings. I will try to recreate it here, since media size is saved with the printer settings. Andrew Title: Re: Mac version Post by: awilford on January 18, 2018, 10:17:24 PM Please post a screenshot of your desired printer settings before you save them. Then reopen Qimage One and load the saved settings. Post a second screenshot showing the printer settings then. That way I can recreate your settings here and see if I have the same thing happen.
Thanks, Andrew Title: Re: Mac version Post by: PH Focal-Scape on January 18, 2018, 10:32:34 PM Thanks Andrew.
If I save the settings then I exit Q1, restart and the settings are as saved. Reload the same saved settings and everything remains correct. However if I change the media size and then reload the saved setting, the media size remains as manually changed. I have created a number of saved settings representing representing different media sizes and/or printer colour profiles. When I load a saved setting with a media size different from the current, the media size (title and dimensions) doesn't change. However the printer colour profiles change accordingly. Regards Peter Please post a screenshot of your desired printer settings before you save them. Then reopen Qimage One and load the saved settings. Post a second screenshot showing the printer settings then. That way I can recreate your settings here and see if I have the same thing happen. Thanks, Andrew Title: Re: Mac version Post by: PH Focal-Scape on January 18, 2018, 10:43:05 PM The two screenshots as requested:
Please post a screenshot of your desired printer settings before you save them. Then reopen Qimage One and load the saved settings. Post a second screenshot showing the printer settings then. That way I can recreate your settings here and see if I have the same thing happen. Thanks, Andrew Title: Re: Mac version Post by: awilford on January 18, 2018, 10:50:56 PM Thanks, Peter. I can recreate here. It's a bug switching between the common printer settings folder and the user custom folder during the load operation. I will fix for the next release.
Andrew Title: Re: Mac version Post by: PH Focal-Scape on January 18, 2018, 10:55:31 PM That's great Andrew.
When do you think the fix will be published? Regards Peter Thanks, Peter. I can recreate here. It's a bug switching between the common printer settings folder and the user custom folder during the load operation. I will fix for the next release. Andrew Title: Re: Mac version Post by: awilford on January 18, 2018, 11:00:28 PM Probably some time in the next week.
Andrew Title: Re: Mac version Post by: PH Focal-Scape on January 18, 2018, 11:32:09 PM The TIFF transfer from COP problem I reported below, has now been resolved with latest Q1 version.
Thanks. Mac 10.13.2 and Q1 v101 1/ I have been attempting to send a TIFF to Q1 from Capture One Pro (no plugins). I use the same procedure as works sending to Gimp and the Nik Collection (and others). COP creates a TIFF from the RAW and then sends it to the nominated application. Q1 loads, then a notice is presented: "The document Test.tif could nor be opened. Qimage One cannot open files in the "TIFF image" format. Needless to say, the file loads manually from within Q1. Would be handy since COP has a well established and large user base. Title: Re: Mac version - Feature compare list Post by: Winfried on January 20, 2018, 01:58:06 PM Where do I find a feature compare list
Qimage One versus Qimage Ultimate ? Winfried Title: Re: Mac version Post by: awilford on January 20, 2018, 05:11:20 PM Qimage One v2018.103 has just been released, which includes a fix for this bug. If you go to Help|About in Qimage One you can check for updates and receive download instructions.
Andrew Title: Re: Mac version Post by: PH Focal-Scape on January 21, 2018, 12:57:30 AM Thanks Andrew.
v103 certainly fixes the Save/Load printer settings issue. A question: is there a way in Mac version to delete a particular setting from saved list? Regards Peter Qimage One v2018.103 has just been released, which includes a fix for this bug. If you go to Help|About in Qimage One you can check for updates and receive download instructions. Andrew Title: Re: Mac version Post by: awilford on January 21, 2018, 03:04:46 AM If you mean delete a saved user printer settings file, no. Even resetting the printer settings from the software won't do that, because we don't want to delete data the user intentionally saved. We could look into adding a button to delete one selected in the dialog in a future release. In the mean time, each one is saved as a folder in:
/users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Binartem/Qimage One/Print Settings/User/ If you remove the one you don't want from that folder then it will no longer show up in the list. Bear in mind, these instructions are specific to the macOS version. In Windows you can right-click and select delete. Andrew Title: Re: Mac version Post by: PH Focal-Scape on January 21, 2018, 08:08:25 AM Thanks again Andrew.
While I was investigating the save/load settings problem I created tests. Just wanted to get rid of them. Your pointing to the appropriate Mac directory is sufficient for now. Regards If you mean delete a saved user printer settings file, no. Even resetting the printer settings from the software won't do that, because we don't want to delete data the user intentionally saved. We could look into adding a button to delete one selected in the dialog in a future release. In the mean time, each one is saved as a folder in: /users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Binartem/Qimage One/Print Settings/User/ If you remove the one you don't want from that folder then it will no longer show up in the list. Bear in mind, these instructions are specific to the macOS version. In Windows you can right-click and select delete. Andrew Title: Re: Mac version Post by: DdeGannes on January 22, 2018, 02:41:33 AM See the screen captures attached.
I purchased Q 1 a few hours ago after having tried for a few days. Having problems printing with an image sent from LR Classic CC 7.1 with the Q 1 application managing color management. The settings and system info is in the screen captures. When I hit the print button the application freezes or closes immediately. I can print with the printer driver handling the printing. Been using Qimage Ulimate for many years but I just cannot get my head around these Mac printer settings. Title: Re: Mac version Post by: admin on January 22, 2018, 03:02:19 AM See the screen captures attached. I purchased Q 1 a few hours ago after having tried for a few days. Having problems printing with an image sent from LR Classic CC 7.1 with the Q 1 application managing color management. The settings and system info is in the screen captures. When I hit the print button the application freezes or closes immediately. I can print with the printer driver handling the printing. Been using Qimage Ulimate for many years but I just cannot get my head around these Mac printer settings. I suspect you are a version behind if you are having that problem. Are you running 104 released today? ;) Mike Title: Re: Mac version Post by: DdeGannes on January 22, 2018, 10:46:58 AM See the screen captures attached. I purchased Q 1 a few hours ago after having tried for a few days. Having problems printing with an image sent from LR Classic CC 7.1 with the Q 1 application managing color management. The settings and system info is in the screen captures. When I hit the print button the application freezes or closes immediately. I can print with the printer driver handling the printing. Been using Qimage Ulimate for many years but I just cannot get my head around these Mac printer settings. Hi! I updated to 104 but the problem still persists. Title: Re: Mac version Post by: awilford on January 22, 2018, 11:20:00 AM Was this happening before, in the demo version, when you selected your own profile?
Could you please try the following: 1) Hold down the option key while starting Qimage One. 2) Follow the steps you would normally do to print, even if Qimage One crashes or doesn't print. 3) Open Finder and click on the Go menu 4) Hold down the option key and click on the Library menu item that appears. 5) From Library, go to Application Support/Binartem/Qimage One. 6) You will see two files in this folder: debug.log and temp.icc. 7) Could you please email both files to me so I can examine them? andrew@binartem.com Thank you, Andrew Title: Re: Mac version Post by: DdeGannes on January 22, 2018, 12:14:33 PM See the screen captures attached. I purchased Q 1 a few hours ago after having tried for a few days. Having problems printing with an image sent from LR Classic CC 7.1 with the Q 1 application managing color management. The settings and system info is in the screen captures. When I hit the print button the application freezes or closes immediately. I can print with the printer driver handling the printing. Been using Qimage Ulimate for many years but I just cannot get my head around these Mac printer settings. Hi! I updated to 104 but the problem still persists. See my screen capture. I am unable to proceed with the instructions 4 onwards. Title: Re: Mac version Post by: awilford on January 22, 2018, 04:47:10 PM Denis,
Thank you for sending the files. This problem has now been fixed in v2018.105 for macOS. Andrew Title: Re: Mac version Post by: PH Focal-Scape on January 24, 2018, 06:52:32 PM Hello Mike and Andrew
Please see my message regarding a problem with v106 here http://ddisoftware.com/tech/qimage-ultimate/mac-qimage-one-canon-pixma-pro9000-mk-ii-printer-settings-and-color-mgmt/msg22318/#msg22318 Regards Title: Re: Mac version Post by: DdeGannes on January 24, 2018, 09:33:50 PM Hello Mike and Andrew Please see my message regarding a problem with v106 here http://ddisoftware.com/tech/qimage-ultimate/mac-qimage-one-canon-pixma-pro9000-mk-ii-printer-settings-and-color-mgmt/msg22318/#msg22318 Regards I am also experiencing this same problem. iMac 27" 5K Title: Re: Mac version Post by: awilford on January 24, 2018, 10:45:00 PM Denis,
Are you saying you see the same blank screen in v2018.106 as Peter reported? Andrew Title: Re: Mac version Post by: DdeGannes on January 25, 2018, 01:18:42 AM Yes.
Title: Re: Mac version Post by: awilford on January 25, 2018, 03:41:53 PM Qimage One v2018.107 was released today and should address the blank screen in macOS 10.13, High Sierra.
Andrew Title: Re: Mac version Post by: chrisr on April 11, 2018, 05:24:21 PM Hi, I bought Qimage one for my mac and it opened, but after exporting a photoshop file to it, it closed and now when I click on the app, it flashes open for split second then closes....I have restarted my mac and I have re-downloaded Qimage one (without uninistalling first). Still same issue. Any thoughts
Title: Re: Mac version Post by: awilford on April 12, 2018, 08:08:13 PM Chris,
Glad we could resolve this via email. Andrew |