Two words Fred, paper cutter! Then just print 5x7s. Maybe I'm too old school?
Of course, paper cutter. Always need that, but my point is when you are asked for one 5 x 7 and you have no paper that size, printing a 5 x 7 on a larger sheet and cutting out the 5 x 7 leaves residual paper not in good condition.
I have a stack of 10 blank 5 x 7s now as if I bought that size.
What about roll paper users? They need some sheets from time to time 5 x 7, 8 x 10 etc. They push out a set of sheets and are all set.
I am really old school... our desks had ink wells that you dipped your pen tip in to write.
Not everything works for everyone. It was a good feature that worked for me.
Stay well,