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Author Topic: Margin Shifting  (Read 18678 times)
Posts: 21

« Reply #15 on: October 02, 2014, 10:13:49 PM »

After I signed off this forum, I went to DPR and asked my question on the Printers and Printing Forum.  The first reply was simple and accurate: Your image is being enlarged and that is why your sample with the 1/8" border is not printing correctly.  With Canon printers, and some newer Epson printers, this overspray can be adjusted, as I found out later.  Correct me if I am wrong, but I did not see that information in any of Fred's comments prior to me getting frustrated.  So yes, I did find out more at another forum.  I found out exactly what the "problem" was.

I'll get help from other forums.
I doubt it, Fred is a real expert in the use of QU and the program developer keeps an eye on things and posts regularly.
We often have to wade through problems where there is insufficient detail, questions about set-up are not answered, wrong terminology used and misconceptions on how QU works.  Roll Eyes
Going back to your original post:
I can see a little extra white space on the right and bottom
This is on the page preview on the main screen and it does not matter - it is merely a "preview".
Fred has told you that the accurate position of an image on a page is shown in the Page Editor Size/Location tab.
He's also told you you were wasting time and using Template Centred inappropriately, I hope you've got that now.
In your last post you said:
Below is the image I have been attempting to print as a test. 90% of the black border does not appear on the final print.
You need to understand how borderless printing works, the driver expands the image and coverage of the nozzles to OVERLAP the page size so no white edges are seen at all.
You can see in your driver screen shot a slider showing the level of expansion set to Max - you are bound to loose some of the image at this setting.
QU has a setting to eliminate the expansion completely:
Edit-Preferences-Print and Page Formatting-Borderless Overspray/Expansion. See screen shot below.

A health warning comes with this setting that Fred has already mentioned too: unless your printer feed and guides are perfect, you are likely to set white slivers at some of print edges.
One final point to check since the subject of this thread is "Margin Shifting".
Check that additional page margins have not been set in QU in the Edit-Preferences-Print and Page Formatting again.
See screen shot below which shows almost zero margins when borderless is set in the driver. I don't know why the driver is showing this tiny "fixed" amount on 2 sides, maybe it's a feature of my R2000.

« Last Edit: October 02, 2014, 10:16:58 PM by ahender » Logged
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #16 on: October 03, 2014, 09:23:27 AM »

Sorry Allen that we couldn't help you.
Unfortunately, we were reading all sort of mixed signals like:
Can my printer really cover the entire page?
I have a corner where no ink sprayed.
I am in Center Placement!  Really?
I drag on to the template and it's still not right!

We all saw what you were doing; Terry, Brian and myself.
We all knew it was the MAX expansion setting!

Since I had replied first, Terry and Brian hung back.
Since you had not shown a grasp of your printer nor Qimage, I decided to have you print a borderless print, then add a border to your image and actually see, as we decrease the expansion setting how and why your border was not visible.

People mess up driver settings all the time.
They turn on Scaling, they reset the output page size, they use Saved Driver setups.
I had to be sure you had the proper sizes of page and print set in Qimage. I asked for verification before I can be positive that it was the Expansion.

Since you choose to disparage the person/people  that tried to help you, feel free to get help from any source you like.
Again, (Speaking only for myself) my apology!

Posts: 21

« Reply #17 on: October 03, 2014, 02:16:55 PM »

Fred. I like the way you say I disparage you then you turn around and label me as clueless. Good job!

You say you knew all along it was overexpansion.  Really?  Can you note which post you stated that in prior to Terry's post?

Allen Alan

Sorry Allen that we couldn't help you.
Unfortunately, we were reading all sort of mixed signals like:
Can my printer really cover the entire page?
I have a corner where no ink sprayed.
I am in Center Placement!  Really?
I drag on to the template and it's still not right!

We all saw what you were doing; Terry, Brian and myself.
We all knew it was the MAX expansion setting!

Since I had replied first, Terry and Brian hung back.
Since you had not shown a grasp of your printer nor Qimage, I decided to have you print a borderless print, then add a border to your image and actually see, as we decrease the expansion setting how and why your border was not visible.

People mess up driver settings all the time.
They turn on Scaling, they reset the output page size, they use Saved Driver setups.
I had to be sure you had the proper sizes of page and print set in Qimage. I asked for verification before I can be positive that it was the Expansion.

Since you choose to disparage the person/people  that tried to help you, feel free to get help from any source you like.
Again, (Speaking only for myself) my apology!


« Last Edit: October 03, 2014, 02:20:03 PM by ahender » Logged
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #18 on: October 04, 2014, 08:38:23 AM »

I think it needs to be pointed out that it was not until your 5th post (#11) that it became clear what your problem really was:
Below is the image I have been attempting to print as a test. 90% of the black border does not appear on the final print.
I note too that your post on the DPR forum stated the problem clearly, apparently after Fred's quizzing, we did help you to do that!
Prior to that Fred had been trying to get to the bottom of it by making sure you were using QU correctly and extract information from you. Then I and others were able to understand what was going on. So Fred's posts did eventfully get a clear statement of what your problem was.
This was not an unusual situation, we often have to ask what may seem irrelevant questions to get to the bottom of a problem, sometimes they are answered in full and sometimes they are not.
However this is usually a very friendly forum and we are not used to rudeness of the kind you have supplied: #17.
It seems that you are inexperienced in the workings of printer drivers and in the use of QU so I suggest if you need to ask any more questions here, you do your best to state the problem clearly, be patient when questions and suggestions are made in attempting to answer, and be polite please!
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