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Author Topic: Margins - Is it possible?  (Read 5816 times)
Geraldo Garcia
Posts: 46

« on: November 08, 2016, 04:26:03 PM »

When I print on cut sheet paper (90% of the time I print on roll paper) I like to use the the "additional margin" to create equal margins on the four sides or at least symmetrical margins, compensating the uneven minimal margins. That way I know I can use "fit to page" with crop to get the largest print area possible with equal or symmetrical margins.
The only thing that annoys me is the fact that, while the minimal margins are displayed in gray on the live view, the additional are "invisible". I know they are there and it is not really a problem to me, but when I am showing the layout to a client before printing I always have to explain that.
I understand the reason why the minimal margins are displayed in gray and I also understand that we should have a visual difference between the minimal margins and the additional margins, but to me it would make mores sense if the minimal margins had a lighter gray. That way we would be able to see both margins and still differentiate between them. Alternatively it would also be nice to have print preview function that simulates the result without the gray margins and with the eventual crop marks, mirrored edges and so on.
Does it make sense to anyone else?
Geraldo Garcia
Posts: 46

« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2016, 05:33:58 PM »

Reading my post I noticed a small but crucial mistake that may have prevented the correct understanding of my point. This is what meant:

I understand the reason why the minimal/base margins are displayed in gray and I also understand that we should have a visual difference between the minimal margins and the additional margins, but to me it would make mores sense if the additional margins had a lighter shade of gray. That way we would be able to see both margins and still differentiate between them.
Alternatively it would also be nice to have print preview function that simulates the actual printed page without the gray margins and with the eventual crop marks, mirrored edges and so on.
Does it make sense to anyone else?

I hope it makes more sense now.
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