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Author Topic: Migrating Application Data  (Read 3429 times)
Posts: 4

« on: December 16, 2019, 09:08:52 PM »

I just started using (and learning) Qimage Ultimate, and am confused about setting up Albums. The program itself is installed on C:, but I migrated the application data to a folder on D: drive. After migrating the data I answered yes to the question "Do you want to start using this location now?". The new location then becomes the default location for Albums.  However, once I close the program and restart it, the default location for Albums goes back to where it was originally installed on C:. 

Is there a way to make the new location remain as the default each time the program is opened?

Also, is it possible to have sub categories in an album - such as having an album like Nature and then having sub categories such as Birds, Flowers, etc.

....learning slow, but sure.   
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