Title: Moving Freehand Images and Borders Post by: sync007 on July 09, 2020, 11:20:17 PM I have 18 images on a page with a border around all of them, I can select them all but how do I move all the images with borders all at once without the borders becoming disconnected to the images? Is there a way to lock everything down and move the entire images and borders?
Title: Re: Moving Freehand Images and Borders Post by: admin on July 09, 2020, 11:34:19 PM Borders are always attached to the prints: they will never disconnect. So you only have to worry about that if you are using photo mats since the mat sits under the prints: for photo mats, just make sure you select the mat(s) and not the print(s) if you want to move them. On the main live view, you can select multiple prints and then click and drag on any that are selected. They'll all move together.
Regards, Mike Title: Re: Moving Freehand Images and Borders Post by: sync007 on July 10, 2020, 12:17:04 AM Ok mine are matts should have used borders instead but when I select all and then try to grab the matt they all disconnect? See photo
Title: Re: Moving Freehand Images and Borders Post by: admin on July 10, 2020, 06:02:53 AM Don't select all because that selects the prints too. Just select all the mats (individually) without selecting the prints on top... and then move by dragging any of the selected mats. Think of them like placemats: you drag the mats to move them (and all the plates/silverware on them move with the placemats).
Mike |