Mike Chaney's Tech Corner

Mike's Software => Qimage Ultimate => Topic started by: jbeexx on November 16, 2011, 03:22:04 PM

Title: Moving pr1 and or prt files
Post by: jbeexx on November 16, 2011, 03:22:04 PM
I had a non standard installation folder set up for QIS, so when I upgraded to QIU, my print files didn't move over.

I can see them in the old installation folder as pr1 and prt files.  Which do I move over to QIU's directory....or both?

What I have now is generic files that don't have a specific paper size attached.

Title: Re: Moving pr1 and or prt files
Post by: Fred A on November 16, 2011, 04:25:22 PM
I had a non standard installation folder set up for QIS, so when I upgraded to QIU, my print files didn't move over.

I can see them in the old installation folder as pr1 and prt files.  Which do I move over to QIU's directory....or both?

Not sure if this works, but click on UTILITIES in Qimage Ultimate and then click on Migrate/Copy Application data.

See if it allows you to select source.  It does here.... Source and Destination!!
