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Author Topic: Much better output using PS that Qimage...  (Read 25326 times)
The Honourable Metric Mann
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Posts: 3251

« Reply #15 on: March 17, 2014, 04:51:25 PM »

Btw, using the Colormunki "printer" profile for the Canon semi gloss paper is worse than Canon's profile for the same paper.
I've heard of others having problems with ColorMunki.
I've been through them all so far, but it's hiding from me somewhere...
What about Rendering Intent? That affects how the colour conversion is done?
« Last Edit: March 17, 2014, 04:53:08 PM by Terry-M » Logged
Posts: 33

« Reply #16 on: March 17, 2014, 07:55:58 PM »

Btw, using the Colormunki "printer" profile for the Canon semi gloss paper is worse than Canon's profile for the same paper.

That rings a bell in my skull. Thanks.

I've heard of others having problems with ColorMunki.

Funny there aren't as many patches to scan from the printout as there are in the Datacolor Spyder lineup.

What about Rendering Intent? That affects how the colour conversion is done?

Got it set at "perceptual" with blackpoint "on."

To add, I found I was using an earlier version, 101. I downloaded the latest and installed in another drive so to start afresh. Nothing has changed. EXCEPT I no longer can replicate the "good one" in Photoshop. Fun and games.

Hoping to figure this out before I run out of GY ink...   Wink
Posts: 33

« Reply #17 on: March 17, 2014, 07:58:08 PM »

Should have mentioned that I'm reading Mike's links.

Regards, Paul.
Posts: 33

« Reply #18 on: March 18, 2014, 01:58:03 AM »

I've got Qimage and PS printouts that look the same thanks to Mike's first link. So I'm back to using Qimage again!

What fixed it was in the Canon printer driver: "color" has to be active (rather than "no color correction"). That's the part I don't get. I thought that would be "double profiling."

Also, is there a way to have "Auto crop" the default, or is there a shortcut to that option?

Thanks for the help!

Regards, Paul.
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #19 on: March 18, 2014, 08:16:32 AM »

Hi Paul,
Also, is there a way to have "Auto crop" the default, or is there a shortcut to that option?
Yes, there's a Default print Properties button below the page preview, Fred calls it the Zebra button. The default settind are automatically saved.
See screen shot below.
Using the Zebra button on a thumbnail does the same thing but you do need to click save there too to retain as the default.
Although you may change prints size the crop lock will "stick" unless you change the default setting and save it.
Back to your first comment about driver setting:
What fixed it was in the Canon printer driver: "color" has to be active (rather than "no color correction").
I'm afraid that is not correct for colour managed printing - look at the instructions for any printer profile - and "No Color Correction" or No Color Adjustment" is given as the correct setting in the driver. I wonder if you have not been comparing like with like as PS does not remember driver settings and has been reverting to the "color active" setting.
The second screen shot is the driver setting instructions for Ilford profiles - it's the same for any printer profile.
My 1st  screen shot below also shows what QU Print Properties should look like when using a printer profile.

One other thought, are you making any profiles with your ColorMunki and are you setting the driver correctly when printing the target?  It should be exactly the same as given above: "no color correction".
Fred A
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« Reply #20 on: March 18, 2014, 09:56:42 AM »

I just installed the driver for your printer, and the user's manual.

I read through the color management part and this is a very strange beast!

First, since you say you are getting flat prints, set gamma to 2.2, I would suspect.  At least try it.

As far as I can tell from the short read I did, no profiles for this printer.
The printer is so sophisticated that it calibrates itself to match an Adobe RGB or sRGB choice.
It also looks like you had it right .... HOST ICM mode gives you a warning box telling you that all color management in the printer will be shut off.

That's the most I found.
That's the kind of printer that requires some classes before you buy it.

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #21 on: March 18, 2014, 10:27:22 AM »

That's the kind of printer that requires some classes before you buy it.
See page 54 of the manual (pdf) is says there is a "No Color Correction" mode.
See page 396 too: Color Settings Panel - that talks about "Color matching" using an application like PS (or QU for that matter). In other words the printer profile is set by the printing applcation
This is a complex driver!
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #22 on: March 18, 2014, 04:46:26 PM »

It also looks like you had it right .... HOST ICM mode gives you a warning box telling you that all color management in the printer will be shut off
I don't think that is correct as it allows setting of the Rendering Intent.
I have now installed the driver  Cool and followed the manual as posted previously #21.
See screen shots from Main driver tab and the Help for that tab.
Posts: 33

« Reply #23 on: March 24, 2014, 11:18:42 PM »

Hi Fred and Terry.

I'm back now after running out of GY ink. There is still a little ink in the tank sloshing around when I shake it, but the printer wouldn't carry on. I sourced a tank here is Canada, so I'm up and running again. However, I've got to make the remaining tanks last until this summer when I'll have enough coin to purchase more tanks as they run out. In other words, I'm cutting away back on printing so the printer will be able to do its thing in keeping the head clog-free for the next 4 months.

I've read through your posts and they are very helpful. It is very nice of you both to install the driver and check out the manual!!

I'll crank out more prints occasionally using your suggested settings and let you know how they turn out. This isn't my first IPF printer. I purchased a iPF-5100 when they first came out back in '08, I think it was. The right head eventually clogged and I debated for months what to do. I considered Epson but they have their issues too. There was a good sale back in November so I went for the 24" Canon. Yes, it's complicated but its operation is very similar to the 5100 in operation.

I've been using Qimage for several years and I think it's the best print utility out there by far. My usual workflow is to open the file with Capture NX2 if it's a NEF file, or Image Data Converter if it's a Sony ARW raw file. My current camera is a Sony NEX7. I usually use the resulting tiff file in Topaz or PS, save as a tiff again, from there into Qimage. I never print in PS or anything else.

Best regards, Paul.
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