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Author Topic: Multiple layouts on a large page size?  (Read 23155 times)
Jr. Member
Posts: 61

« Reply #15 on: August 11, 2010, 06:18:40 PM »

Terry - This is just a simple fold card. I think it would be too difficult to align the second side with the text for the inside of the card. I was thinking of just making a simple text files and the either glueing or tacking it on the inside.

Fred - I am assuming the way you did that example was to put the large red template down on the page several times and then fill with the smaller pictures. Terry mentions a place holder template. Do you save the layout or job and then just insert smaller pictures on the text layout? On the attached picture do I just drag the smaller picture up to one of the red squares with the text in it? Then save all of them as a layout or job? Sorry to be so slow but I think we are getting close...

Thanks for all the attention from both of you

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #16 on: August 11, 2010, 07:19:02 PM »

Terry mentions a place holder template.
I've now tried that here, it does not work very well in fact because of one template being on top of another. Adding the photos onto the larger template is easier I think.
I was thinking of just making a simple text files and the either glueing or tacking it on the inside.
There are tools in the Full Page Editor Text dialogue for aligning text as well as images and templates but I agree it would be difficult to get alignment good on a multi card sheet.
You could always revert to the old smaller sheet size, or or is that a no-no?
Fred A
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« Reply #17 on: August 11, 2010, 07:56:03 PM »

[quote I am assuming the way you did that example was to put the large red template down on the page several times and then fill with the smaller pictures
The template is 8.5 x 5.25. Then I placed the 4 x 5 picture into that template. I add floating text (Happy Birthday) and make 16 of those. Using Freehand mode placement, you go into the Full Page editor and position the 16 sets on your 23.75 x 36.00 page. The Save the JOB.

Now you can print or shut down.
As long as the JOB was saved, the same page size, and all 16 card sets will reappear when recalled.

Jr. Member
Posts: 61

« Reply #18 on: August 11, 2010, 09:02:50 PM »

You guys are the best. Really appreciate your patience. I think I've got it figured. I am going to get a roll of matte paper of a decent weight. I've created a page with about 12 templates with text (was able to duplicate the text on each template - nice feature). I will drop a series of 4x5 photos on each template and move them around in the full page editor. . I think if I save this as a job I can then just replace the pictures if need be or recall the tempates with text and add new pictures. It's a little fussy but should work well. Another thought was to use 17x22 double sided paper if I want to put text on the inside. If I'm somewhat careful I should be able to flip the page and run it thru the sheet feed for the second side. Worth a try.

Thanks again.

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