Title: New PC how do I organise QU on HDDs? Post by: Sandy on November 14, 2010, 07:17:11 PM I'm just about to assemble a new PC with Win 7 64bit. The PC gurus suggest putting programmes on one HDD and data (photos, documents, etc on another) or at least on different partitions. Should I put Qimage Ult on one HDD complete with all its associated thumbs and RAW cache or should/could I put some QU items on my second HDD?
I'm considering a SDD for the programmes (or at least some of them). Would Qimage significantly faster on that? If it won't I'll probably leave thoughts of an SDD to another day. Thanks Sandy Title: Re: New PC how do I organise QU on HDDs? Post by: Terry-M on November 14, 2010, 09:57:52 PM Quote I'm just about to assemble a new PC with Win 7 64bit. I've just done that :) see: http://ddisoftware.com/tech/computer-hardware/qu-is-now-flying/Quote Should I put Qimage Ult on one HDD complete with all its associated thumbs and RAW cache or should/could I put some QU items on my second HDD? You could put the application/program data on a separated HD but I would think for maximum efficiency & speed, the same HD should be used.My new PC has 2 1TB drives and I'm using C-drive for all Programs, Program data and a large number of images and other data. Not all image are there, the archive of older images is on an external HD and on DVD's. The second 1TB drive is/will be used for multiple backups. With having 2 large hard drives and backing up to one of them, for me, I don't see any point in separating data from programs and certainly not separating program data from the program. Sorry, I can't comment on SDD. Terry |