Mike Chaney's Tech Corner

Mike's Software => Qimage Ultimate => Topic started by: GreggP on April 13, 2017, 09:02:07 PM

Title: new Photoshop/Lightroom plugin for Qimage Ultimate installation question
Post by: GreggP on April 13, 2017, 09:02:07 PM
I just extended my registration for Qimage Ultimate and purchased the plugins for Photoshop and Lightroom. After installing the latest version of Qimage and the plugins, I watched the Youtube video to see how it works. Then I opened Photoshop and later, Lightroom, to try it out.

It works fine from Photoshop.

When I try running the plugin from my Lightroom (CC 2015.10) it doesn't seem to be recognized or installed. When I pick 'File>Plug In Extras', Qimage Ultimate is not on the list.

Where can I find instructions for proper installation for Lightroom?

update: a short time after posting this, Mike responded to my earlier email inquiry with this response:

The plugin has to be activated in Lightroom.  The instructions on doing that display near the end of the install but to save you having to re-run the installation to see that, here are the
instructions on how to add plugin-extras in Lightroom:

1) Launch Adobe Lightroom.
2) Click on the "File" menu and select "Plug-in Manager".
3) Click on the "Add" button.
4) From the browse for folder dialog select the Plugins\QUExport.lrdevplugin under your
    Qimage Application Data folder.  Below is a typical default folder location:
4a) If Explorer is not set to show hidden folders and you don't see ProgramData, you can type (for example) C:\ProgramData and press enter and go from there.
5) Click the "Select Folder" button.
6) Click the "Done" button.