Thanks Mike. Now I have my 4mm back I'm not sure I want it. Yeah no pleasing some folks!!! You see I'm in Australia. Do all my prints here. Then carry them in my baggage to the USA. (200+ this trip). Before I leave Australia I order all my backing board, matboard and show bags for delivery in the USA. Then set to work in the hotel room mounting them all before delivery. So my sizes have to exact to match the cutout in the matboard. To make it easy I simply reorder my standing order for matboards etc. So with any change I need to redo all my measurements.
Ah so what's the big deal I hear you say. Well those 4mm hid a small change in the ratio of the prints. That small change has thrown out the matboard sizes. So getting back to being lazy I my go back to the missing 4mm.
Users ask for all these features then get in a mess using them!!!!!