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Author Topic: New to Qimage Giving the trial Version ago first Help please  (Read 3041 times)
Posts: 1

« on: September 28, 2022, 12:44:31 PM »

 So I am new to printing for my self and been watching lots of youtube videos, many from Jose Rodriguez
 I use i1 display pro to calibrate my Sw270C monitor using Palette Master element
 I am using a colormunki photos with Calibrate CC studio to profile my photos paper.
 My printer for now is a canon ip8750 and using a generic ink cartidges and black diamond photo paper
 I am a windows 11 user and I thought that using a colormunki Photo ment that I could use, what paper I wanted and any genric ink
 I see now that in my printer settings, have to match the glossy paper I am using to say Canon Gloss Photo or Canon gloss photo II.
 When I profile my paper and print it off  to read the pattern with the colormunki photo, I choose none for printer driver in the canon settings.
 I have profilde my paper I have saved it as say "BlK dia Glossy"  When I try to print With Qimage I guess I select my paper as Canon Glossy II
 my profile I select as the one I saved BlK dia Glossy, and in the printers setting Qimage has changed the colour setting to custom and the print driver setting to ICM is this correct.
 The image I keep trying to print is a bit dark and looks a bit misty, it''s not the taken dark and the histogram is more to the right showing its brighter then darker.

  What Am I doing wrong or is it the genric ink and paper, but I thought you could use a cheaper ink and paper and profile the paper your self

Thank you for all advice.

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2022, 01:14:01 PM »

Yes.  You always use the exact same settings you used to print the target when you later use the profile.  If you are printing a target, you'd set up all the driver settings to what you use to print the target: Qimage profile "OFF", color management off (none) in the driver, correct paper type, etc.  Then when you have the actual profile, you use those exact same settings: the only thing you change is changing "Printer Profile" from "OFF" to the new profile you just made.

Setting the driver to "ICM" would cause double profiling.  If you are running the latest version of QU, it won't let you do that: it'll set the driver to "None" for color management automatically.

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