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Author Topic: New user Qimage Ultimate edges of photo print oddly?  (Read 3773 times)
Posts: 4

« on: February 14, 2023, 05:13:40 AM »

I've had Qimage Ultimate for a month or so with my new Canon Pro 300 and I've printed over a dozen prints using QU no problems. I just changed a color cartridge today and printed 4 pictures. The edges of the pictures came out odd, at first it looks like a darkened line across the top and down the sides of the color in that part of the photo. Looking  closely the edges are actually mirrored images. The last 1/4 inch which is really the end of the picture is printed as like a mirror image.  I hope I'm making since. Anyway to check it, I printed out of Light Room Classic and the print was perfect. How odd yeah? Any ideas? It's getting late here and I'll try again late tomorrow.
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2023, 06:33:01 AM »

Looking  closely the edges are actually mirrored images. The last 1/4 inch which is really the end of the picture is printed as like a mirror image.  I hope I'm making since. Anyway to check it, I printed out of Light Room Classic and the print was perfect. How odd yeah? Any ideas? It's getting late here and I'll try again late tomorrow.
Hello and welcome.
I have never used this feature myself as it is usually used with canvass or a wrap.
It sounds like you may have mirrored borders turned on.
The "switch" is found at the bottom of the  Prints tab where the borders settings are located.
See screen snap.
There is a selection for mirrored borders. Turn it off Click on the little box of INSIDE border. You can clear it there or make all zeros for sizes.
I just made a print with Mirrored Borders turned on and thatis exactly what I   got; just as you described.
If I am wrong, we wait for Mike around my 7:30 am   EST
Betcha I am right from what my print looks.
Again, welcome   
Posts: 4

« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2023, 04:19:14 AM »

That's exactly what it is. Thank you sir! Now I know how to do wrap borders.  Grin
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2023, 10:34:21 AM »

That's exactly what it is. Thank you sir! Now I know how to do wrap borders.  Grin
You're welcome sir, but I would like to reiterate, that this is a nice place. It has helpful people who don't mind if a topic has been discussed before. There are always new Qimage owners who might need some help getting over a bump in the road.
So feel comfortable and discuss anything here.
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