
Posts: 2
« on: February 03, 2023, 06:07:10 PM » |
After trying Qimage One and Qimage Ultimate, I decided to purchase Ultimate. I am an amateur wildlife photographer, now shooting with a Z9, and have been printing for many years from Photoshop and for the past few years Epson Print Layout on my SC-P900 and SC-P700 Epsons. After watching many of Jose Rodriguez's and Mike's videos, I decided it was time to get the best. For the past two weeks, I have been printing with the two trial editions, and yesterday purchased Ultimate lifetime. I print up to 17 x 22, and have been printing 8x10, 13 x 19 and a hand full of 17 x 22's and the results are staggering!!!
My question for you experienced users is, when printing 4x6 and 5x7 small size family snapshots, I was able to choose quality, instead of high quality, and a faster print speed in the Epson driver. Is there a way to do this in Ultimate, so the snap's print quicker? If I reduced the interpolation type from Forge, to say Hybrid SE, and from 720ppi to 360ppi on the small prints, would this speed up printing without reducing the quality too much. Again, I am only looking for a way to speed up the printing on the small size prints, anything over 5x7 will use the best quality settings.
Thanks in advance for any help you all can give me, and thanks to Mike for such an awesome printing program.