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Author Topic: no ICC profiles in Qimage after W10 install HPZ3200  (Read 5627 times)
Posts: 13

« on: August 24, 2018, 08:36:28 PM »

My W7 was getting really buggy so I wiped the HD and installed W10. Proceeded to reinstall the HP Utility and driver and ICC profiles and Qimage. I see no profiles in the system32/spool/driver/color folder. Also I do not see any profiles when I try to change profiles in Qimage. I wanted to get a fresh start because it seemed that my Z3200 was not printing the GE properly. It shows up on the diagnostic print but not when I print. I wanted to get rid of all old ICC profiles and start fresh. If I sync the profiles between the printer and computer the profiles still do not show up. Does anyone know why I cannot see any profiles in the system32 folder? Any advice on how to get the profiles back into the system32/spool/driver/color folder? Have been online with HP support for more than an hour and and not getting anywhere. Would really like to get my printing issues sorted out and settled down. Thanks in advance

Posts: 13

« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2018, 11:58:41 AM »

I worked with HP support for a long time on this and what they finally did was to package up the profiles from one of their computers and then copy then to my system32/spool/driver color folder. Once they were in there I did a search for one of them and found that the driver re-install put them in the sysWOW64/spool/driver color. New location for 64 bit I guess. I post this in case anyone else runs into the same problem. I still have issues with getting my printer to print GE, which is what started the whole thing in the first place.
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4286

« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2018, 08:36:21 PM »

Sounds like the driver may have installed the profiles in the wrong folder.  They should really be in system32/spool/drivers/color.  SysWOW64 is actually a folder for 32 bit DLL's, unlike the name would suggest.

On the GE, have you tried setting it to full page instead of the auto setting?  All of the code that causes the GE to "fire" is contained within the driver so that's definitely a driver controlled setting.  There's nothing software (outside of the driver) can do to affect the gloss enhancer.

Posts: 13

« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2018, 06:33:50 PM »

Thank you for your reply. It is odd that the new driver installed the profiles in that directory. I have passed on your comment to HP technical support. Let's see if they do anything with it.
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