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Author Topic: Offsite printing  (Read 28201 times)
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #15 on: April 14, 2023, 12:25:04 PM »

You'll probably need to provide a link to the original file and a screenshot here showing what you are talking about regarding "line".  There are only two ways a "line" can print: if the line is in the original or you placed a photo mat on the print.

Posts: 17

« Reply #16 on: April 14, 2023, 09:51:28 PM »

Ok, I give up - I have prints to make and I don't have any more time to waste with this software
Posts: 17

« Reply #17 on: April 15, 2023, 03:28:18 AM »

I didn't see your last reply.

I used Qimage for many years printing from a Canon wide format (44") printer with no problems.   My printer failed so I stopped for a few years. 

I'm now using a commercial printer in another town and was trying to save him a little time by preparing my prints in Qimage by printing to file. 

I've had nothing but trouble trying to make this work and think Qimage is somehow corrupting the files because I've never seen this kind of strange behaviour (please review my other posts) with software before and I've been using computers for 50 years.  I'm not making this up.

I'm in the process of printing a series for a gallery exhibition and I don't have time to deal with problems like this right now.  I think all traces of Qimage needs to be completely removed from my computer and replaced with a new version. 

Fred A
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« Reply #18 on: April 15, 2023, 10:07:58 AM »

I didn't see your last reply.

Mike is simply asking for the tif file  and a screen shot of what you are seeing.
Provide that, and you  will have your answer.
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #19 on: April 15, 2023, 11:37:53 AM »

If you want help, you can answer my questions: post a screen shot and a link to the original file so I can look at it.  If you can't be bothered with that, so be it.  You get back out of these inquiries what you put into them.

Posts: 17

« Reply #20 on: April 15, 2023, 08:42:48 PM »

You mis-read me

I was not being critical nor rejecting help, I was just providing my observations about what happened and I just don't have much time right now.

I don't see how a screen shot nor one file would capture these things that happened.

1. I kept getting the unwanted lines that I mentioned and thinking I did something wrong, kept trying different settings to try and get rid of them - nothing worked.

2. During this process, the thumbnail became corrupted as well as the image that shows up on the screen.  They looked like the image was covered with sand with just some of the image showing through.  I ended up deleting my original tif file so the thumbnail would be regenerated.  So this corrupted image was lost.  (Actually, these corrupted files looked kind of interesting and I thought about trying to making a print of them.)

3.  The lines appeared when I tried again.  I tried a "print to file" again to see what happens.  It resulted in 4 files being created in my directory from this one "print to file" action.  Then Qimage froze and I had trouble exiting the program.

I spent several hours over several days trying to make this work.

I am willing to send you the original tif file and one or more of the results of the "print to file" action if you think it will help with these 3 issues.  I can send the original files through WeTransfer if you provide an email address.

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #21 on: April 16, 2023, 01:37:57 AM »

There's a reason I ask for those files.  Didn't think I'd need to justify the reasons but if you want all the gory details, here goes...

A full screenshot showing the setup just before you print shows me the live view, how the print(s) are laid out, what placement method you are using, what size you are printing, the page size you chose, whether crop is on or off, and many other parameters.  It helps me recreate the same conditions for testing.  A screenshot or file (since you are printing to file) showing the actual "line" you are referring to also shows me what you are talking about.  There are a lot of things that can be described as a "line".  It could be a solid line, broken line, noise, part of a shadow box, ghost window, and there are many of those that I can recognize right away (none related to Qimage) but I can't if I cant see what you are doing.

The original file is needed because often the file is corrupted, has some sort of incompatible transparent or alpha mask, or some other issue.  I have Affinity Photo and while I have not had any issues, I have gotten sample files from others where I have found that it inserts a corrupted transparent background in some cases.  Again, I need the original to see.  Keep in mind that no one else is having a problem so obviously I need to see your files since I have no other way to see what is happening.

I already know that Qimage cannot create lines on its own so the line is either in the original (either there visually or is the result of some file corruption) or a parameter is being misused (the screenshot typically shows me that if it is the problem).  Qimage also cannot, under any circumstances, corrupt a file.  That has never happened in the 25+ years of Qimage.  It simply can't happen because even when you edit an image in Qimage, it is non-destructive: Qimage has no code in it anywhere that can overwrite or alter originals.  So I already know Qimage did not corrupt or alter your files.

My email is the same as you find on the support page if Qimage: mchaney@ddisoftware.com

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #22 on: April 16, 2023, 11:49:28 AM »

I got the files: thanks for sending those.  No need to send a screenshot now because the original TIFF you sent shows the problem: the lines are in that original TIFF.  You can see them in Qimage by just opening the TIFF in the image examiner and then scrolling in to 800% and going to the bottom right corner of the image.  There is a row of "undefined" pixels on the very right and bottom edges of the image.

Take a look at the attached.  The first screenshot shows Qimage's image examiner: it shows the pixels as black because Qimage doesn't support transparent layers in TIFF files.

The second screenshot is from Affinity Photo: it shows the undefined rows of pixels as transparent but they are clearly undefined (not part of the image).  It's also interesting that Affinity opens the TIFF as a raw file and wants to develop it.  So it's not your "standard" TIFF.  It hasn't been flattened either if it still has a transparent layer.

Posts: 17

« Reply #23 on: April 17, 2023, 06:11:08 PM »

Thanks Mike

Very strange about the tif file - I'll have a look again.

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