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Author Topic: Oimage Ultimate 2019.100 crashes after printing  (Read 5012 times)
Posts: 12

« on: November 06, 2018, 08:38:06 PM »

Hi folks,

I bought QI Ultimate a week or so back and I am having continuing problems with the program crashing randomly after printing to my Canon TS9020 printer.  I have deleted QIU and reloaded it after cleaning up all remnants of QIU on my laptop.  I have updated my Canon Drivers to the latest XPS drivers.
Sometimes I can print several prints and no problem then out of the blue my laptop shuts down and I have to restart QIU in safe mode.  This is very frustrating as I love QIU otherwise, its exactly what I have been looking for.

My laptop is an Acer running an Intel core i3-370M 2 cores and 4 threads, 2.40ghz processor with 8GB of RAM the max.  I have increased the page files.  When I load QIU it reports that I have a Quad core processor which is incorrect.

Any suggestions?Huh?

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4286

« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2018, 08:52:54 PM »

The i3-370M has 4 cores total: 2 physical + 2 virtual which is why Qimage (and Windows) reports 4.  That laptop may not be up to the task of multithreading.  It sounds like it could be overheating, causing a shutdown.  What I would recommend is this:

- Go to Edit, Preferences, Multithreading
- Set both "Print Processing Threads" and "Image Processing Threads" to 1

Posts: 12

« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2018, 10:05:17 PM »

Thanks Mike,

I've previously edited the cores under Edit>preferences>Multithreading to two, but haven't tested it yet, should I actually go to one thread before I test it at two? 

Win 10 task manager>Performance reports 2 cores and 4 logical processors.  So you are telling me QIU considers the 4 logical processors 4 cores?

Thanks Larry
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4286

« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2018, 11:19:14 PM »

Thanks Mike,

I've previously edited the cores under Edit>preferences>Multithreading to two, but haven't tested it yet, should I actually go to one thread before I test it at two? 

Win 10 task manager>Performance reports 2 cores and 4 logical processors.  So you are telling me QIU considers the 4 logical processors 4 cores?

Thanks Larry

I would go with a single thread because if that works, it gives you more information.  If that solves the problem, try two threads.  Better to rule it out first and then go for more if a single thread works.

You have 4 logical cores as reported by Windows which is why Qimage reports 4 cores: it is telling you that running 4 threads at once is the most efficient (fastest) because the operating system and the software running on that operating system is able to utilize the CPU as if it had 4 cores.  It doesn't matter that, in reality, 2 of the 4 cores can't operate completely independently from the others.  They will still be able to process some machine code as 4 simultaneous operations, hence why we want to see/use 4, not 2.

Unfortunately if your laptop physically shuts down, it's cooling system may not be up to the task of running all (logical) cores at 100%.

Posts: 12

« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2018, 11:31:52 PM »

Thanks Mike
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