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Author Topic: OK, what am I doing wrong?  (Read 16472 times)
Posts: 14

« on: July 29, 2010, 06:28:17 PM »

I downloaded QI Ultimate yesterday.  I redownloaded the newer version today.  It takes forever to load, then when I go into a folder it will not load the thumbnails.

I just had to stop (ctrl-alt-del) the program as it would not close with the 'X' close feature.  I had it running for over 15 minutes and out of 60 raw images only 6 had aquired a thumbnail. In the meantime, nothing on my computer worked, IE explorer wouldn't load.  Seems like it is taking all the resources.

I am running XP, 3GB RAM.
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4279

« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2010, 08:38:38 PM »

What are the system specs as far as CPU and speed, and what type of raw files are in the folder you are visiting?  The only way I know that it can lock up is if one of the files in the folder is corrupted to the point that the error is not recoverable.

Posts: 14

« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2010, 02:33:47 PM »

Hi Mike,

Pentium 4 2.67 GHz, 3 GB RAM.  Windows XP Pro (SP3).  Canon 20D (.CR2). 

Even another folder took over 15 minutes to load about 10 out of 120 Raw Files.  Switching between folders takes about 1 minute or more.  When I click on a new folder, the program locks and I can't do anything until the switch.  End up with a lot of "Not Responding" and have to shut program down (ctrl-Alt_Del).

Maybe my machine is too old for Ultimate.  I have been using QI Studio for about 3 years now and it is great, used mainly for printing!  Raw files load in only a few seconds. Very quick response with everything I do.  I've cropped, printed from RAW, PSD, TIF, JPEG.  They are all about the same speed.

The Honourable Metric Mann
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Posts: 3251

« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2010, 05:58:46 PM »

Hi Doug,
I have a  P4 3.6 GHz machine with 2GB dual core memory and I do not have any problems with switching folders mid thumb/cache building. I just wait a few seconds and QU swops over to the new folder.
With old single CPU machines like ours, thumb/cache building is relatively slow, for me, 9.7 secs per 350D CR2 image. On my dual CPU laptop, 2GHz, it's 6 secs per image.

Despite that, I like the fact that other operations with raw, screen view, editor, slide show, printing etc., are so much faster with the raw cache being there. I now just time-manage the caching process by choosing when I allow it to be done and then do something else.

Posts: 14

« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2010, 01:10:47 AM »


Thanks for the info.  I figure my machine is too old to handle it at a fast enough pace for me to work.  I'll have to wait to upgrade computer before I can really evaluate Ultimate.  As it is right now, with the crashes and all, I can't use it.

I even set the preferences to not cache the Raw files, still too slow compared to Studio.  Again, probably not the program, but my machine.

I'll Raw process with Photoshop and Adobe Camera Raw as I have been doing for years now.  I'll still use Studio to print.

Fred A
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« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2010, 10:32:19 AM »

Thanks for the info.  I figure my machine is too old to handle it at a fast enough pace for me to work.  I'll have to wait to upgrade computer before I can really evaluate Ultimate.  As it is right now, with the crashes and all, I can't use it.

Have been following you and Terry discussing the "old" machine.
That caused me to try Ultimate on my old machines.
I have a P IV running a 3.20 gig clock speed with 4 gigs of Ram.
No crashes, but it is running W7 32 bit.

I have an older one which still has XP on it. We never even turn that on. But I tried it anyway, and installed Ultimate.
Slower, but no crashes.

My own computer is a Quad core, and Ultimate makes use of the quad when building cache files and thumbs, and that is slick.

My point is you mentioned turning off cache file building and still crashing.
That leads me to believe you have a system failure or conflict. With cache of files and creating the cache turned off, you are essentially running Studio with the current versions.
Ultimate should be running as if it was Studio.
Have a look around!  Uninstall, reinstall, turn off the anti virus when reinstalling. Try a few things!

Jr. Member
Posts: 61

« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2010, 09:40:31 PM »

I also am trying Ultimate on an old single core machine with only 2Gb RAM.  The Lightning RAW caching and thumbbuilding takes forever so I've opted for the Studio type of thumb building and don't expect to exploit Lightning RAW till I change PC.  Mike replied to a post of mine and confirmed my option was the sensible one.  Other Ultimate activities seem fine for speed but I'm just messing around with it and have made no effort to compare times beyond gut feel.

Posts: 12

« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2010, 01:10:30 AM »

I am running on a Mac / Fusion VM Windows XP  Ultimate is running slow compared with the  Studio Edition.
Posts: 14

« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2010, 02:18:17 AM »

FRED A,  Thanks, I will try to reinstall after shutting off Anti-virus.  Usually do that on new installs from CD, but didn't this time with web download.
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2010, 09:24:25 AM »

I am running on a Mac / Fusion VM Windows XP  Ultimate is running slow compared with the  Studio Edition.
Sandy et al

Somehow, I think the point has been obscured during the discussion of the slow cache and thumb building.
BTW Mike is working on a speedier method of getting the cache built.

The point that is missing, that seems to be crucial, is that the quality thumbs and the cached Raw files are created **ONCE**.
Right now, if one were to take a a folder with 200 Raw images and using an old slow processor, waited the 10 minutes it took to create the cached files, Ultimate would work the raw images over in Lightning Raw mode.
After that build time, Ultimate would open your folder instantly, allow you to zap through your work on the images, and print at higher speed, and enjoy the new technology.

It's even better than having to sit and let your car engine warm up on a frosty morning in Chicago so you can defrost the windshield. :-)
You can see the point! The benefit of the heater and defroster needs the wait time for the engine to heat.

At least in Ultimate, you find that once through a folder, it is a done deal.
If you come home after a shoot of your grand daughter in a  school play, (where she played a tree in the forest), and you sit down at ultimate, yes, a new folder, and you might wait for the new shots to cache.

Just some thoughts from Fred!
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