Title: Pause print queue Post by: AHindman on October 01, 2018, 05:15:43 PM Not sure if this is a qimage thing or a windows thing. I have queued 8 different jobs in qimage. After the first job my printer does an auto nozzle check and cleaning. The printer stills reads as having clogged nozzles and continues to print, moving on to the second job in the queue. Is there a way to pause the queue, run head cleanings and nozzle checks, and then return to the queue?
Title: Re: Pause print queue Post by: Fred A on October 01, 2018, 06:56:55 PM Quote Not sure if this is a qimage thing or a windows thing. I have queued 8 different jobs in qimage. After the first job my printer does an auto nozzle check and cleaning. The printer stills reads as having clogged nozzles and continues to print, moving on to the second job in the queue. Is there a way to pause the queue, run head cleanings and nozzle checks, and then return to the queue? I have never seem a printer stop in the middle of printing unless it ran dry of ink.That having been said, I am not understanding how you load 8 JOBS. When you load a JOB, it clears the queue. That having been said also, You can, selectively, print a single print or one page at a time even though you might have multiple images queued up ready to print. Print from the Page Editor screen where you select a page from multiple pages, and click the button : PRINT PAGE. Fred |