Title: Pentax DNG files auto-cropping in QI ? Post by: Mack on September 29, 2023, 04:26:47 PM I load several files into QI from a new Pentax K3 Monochrome camera. All looks fine to start, but a few minutes later they all begin to automatically crop to a smaller size (They narrow in width to maybe 1/3 normal while height remains the same.) in the preview pane.
The print comes out now cropped to the size QI rebuilt the file to. Pentax uses a PEX for their RAW (That does not work with some editing softwaare.) and DNG for the alternate that works with most anything except QI. Ideas? Title: Re: Pentax DNG files auto-cropping in QI ? Post by: admin on September 29, 2023, 05:40:04 PM The K-3 Monochrome is not supported by LibRaw. It's a pretty odd camera so I'm not sure if they'll support it but if/when LibRaw supports it, Qimage will support it.
Regards, Mike |