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Author Topic: PPI changes from 300ppi to 31ppi when I import image- WHY??  (Read 4153 times)
Posts: 11

« on: July 27, 2023, 02:55:43 PM »

I have been a Qimage user for 6 months, after setup and gaining an initial understanding, I established a workflow that has been very successful for what we do in our printing department. Yesterday I hit a problem that I can not resolve and need help.

Here is the problem:

After Importing a file into Qimage to print ( in tiff format), the PPI changes from the file's original 300 dpi/ppi to something like 39 ppi. This makes the image ENORMOUS. When I open the 'image examiner' it says the file is 39 PPI, but when I then go open that same original file in Photoshop it shows the file is 300dpi…
The PPI changes to a different value if I select a specific print size like 8x10 or 11x14 to something like 229PPI or 174PPI etc. - but if I try to print "original size" it changes the PPI to a really small number like 39 PPI and makes the print size HUNDREDS of INCHES large.
This unexplained phenomenon doesn't seem to happen if I convert the file to a jpeg from the original Tiff file in Photoshop. This is a recent problem and may be related to some setting that was inadvertently changed, but I have no idea where to look.
Can anyone point me to an answer to this issue of the PPI changing upon Import? What am I missing, or what setting could I have accidentally changed from when it was previously working perfectly?

Thanks in advance for helping me resolve this issue,

 John S. Hockensmith
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2023, 06:33:56 PM »

The first thing would be to check to see if the override is checked: select "More" in the list of print sizes and then select "Use ORIGINAL/embedded size".  Then on the top right of that dialog see if "Override embedded size" is checked.  If so, uncheck it.

Other than the above, the only thing that could cause the wrong original size is if the size is not embedded properly in the image.  In that case, see if you can put a sample image on Google Drive and post the link here.  I can see if there is some issue with Qimage reading the embedded size in the TIFF.

Posts: 11

« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2023, 07:03:52 PM »

thanks, I will get back to you one way our another ASAP -jsh
Posts: 11

« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2023, 08:38:52 PM »

Thanks, Mike,

You pointed us in the right direction. I was indeed our tiff file.

(An employee wrote an action in Photoshop and used the multiresolution file setting "Image Pyrimid" to save the tiff file... which created the problem for Qimqge. A normal save from Photoshop works file. I appreciate your help and the Qimage Ultimate program.

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