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Author Topic: pre sale questions  (Read 3950 times)
Posts: 1

« on: December 02, 2017, 05:03:25 AM »

I'm running the trial version right now, and have a few more days left, but I have some questions before I purchase it.

1) It seems that there are two versions, on standalone and one that is a plug-in for PS/LR. I'm currently running the Adobe CC photo bundle, so I'm leaning toward the plugin version, but does this version have the nozzle cleaning scheduler?
2) Licensing question, can I run either version on two machines or do I need to purchase two copies? I mainly use my desktop PC, but when I'm traveling I use my laptop, so the two machines in question would be my desktop and my laptop.
3) Can I move either version to a new machine without re-registering? I'm thinking (wishing) for a new computer.


Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2017, 11:31:02 AM »

1) It seems that there are two versions, on standalone and one that is a plug-in for PS/LR. I'm currently running the Adobe CC photo bundle, so I'm leaning toward the plugin version, but does this version have the nozzle cleaning scheduler?
2) Licensing question, can I run either version on two machines or do I need to purchase two copies? I mainly use my desktop PC, but when I'm traveling I use my laptop, so the two machines in question would be my desktop and my laptop.
3) Can I move either version to a new machine without re-registering? I'm thinking (wishing) for a new computer.



Great questions
1) There's only one Qimage Ultimate Download.
There is a Plug in package which allows you to stand alone or insert into the files of Photo Shop.
So all the features that like see for QU will always be there.

2) Yes you can install your  Qimage Download on both machines.
The measuring  stick is that one license means that only one person can use Qimage, regardless of which computer.
If you run Qimage and you have an employee that uses it too at work.... two licenses.

3) Remember to print your email that you get with the username and password in case you need to install and lost the latest install file. You can then download a fresh copy.
If you keep your latest install file, just thumb drive it over to the new machine and install.

4)** It wont be very long before you will use Qimage for all your work.  Cool

Hope some of this helps.
This is a nice forum. Feel free to ask anything you want to know better.
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