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Author Topic: Predefined filters  (Read 13833 times)
Richard of Bandon
Posts: 22

« on: January 16, 2013, 05:45:15 PM »

I'm at my wit's end...a short trip.
I applied the B&W predefined filter. Impressive.  Then I tried to remove it...Huh? Dang if I can determine how that is done.  Guidance, please.

Sr. Member
Posts: 373

« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2013, 05:47:40 PM »

Right click.

Remove filters or Shift D

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2013, 05:54:33 PM »

Right click.
On the thumbnail.
Alternatively to create, edit of clear a filter, double click on the thumb to open the image editor.
You can do that with several thumbs selected or if the image are in the queue and go from one to the next etc.
Richard of Bandon
Posts: 22

« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2013, 06:00:40 PM »

Thanks Tony and Terry...simple BUT it looked to me at first that I was going to lose all my edits as I did not see an entry for "Predefined Filter".  Getting out my magnifier I noticed the Sel. color was in bold and realized I had not used that choice in the Image Editor.....whoa, wait a minute.  B&W vs. color change....ah ha!  Click, delete selection, GONE.
This tells me that if one made minute color corrections in the original editing and later decided to see how the image looked in B&W, activated the predefined filter B&W, thought that was interesting but not worth pursuing, and deleted Sel. Color, both the color correction originally made in the editor and the predefined filter are gone.  It clearly means one would have to go back into the editor and redo the Sel. color. 
Work flow: write down any changes in Sel. Color before playing with the predefined filters...or just don't use them at all.

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2013, 06:09:50 PM »

You can pick up all the pre-defined filters in the editor from the file menu: "Open Filter parameters from file", including any you have saved yourself.
Also, in Sel Col you can load the B&W filter from the "Load Sel Col Table" button (a folder icon); there are other versions too - red, green and blue separation, sepia etc.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2013, 07:24:44 PM »

This tells me that if one made minute color corrections in the original editing and later decided to see how the image looked in B&W, activated the predefined filter B&W, thought that was interesting but not worth pursuing, and deleted Sel. Color, both the color correction originally made in the editor and the predefined filter are gone.  It clearly means one would have to go back into the editor and redo the Sel. color. 
Work flow: write down any changes in Sel. Color before playing with the predefined filters...or just don't use them at all.

Not necessarily so!
Let's say you have a flower shot in which you darkened the background sky using sel color.
Now as in your suggestion you want to see what the image/print might look like in sepia or Black and White.
Before you go to Predefined filters, while still in the Sel Color screen, click SAVE... name it....mysky for image 2001....Save.
Now pop the predefined B&W have a look.
When ready to go back to your original extra blue sky, like it was before the B&W and SEPIA filters, go back to SEL COLOR screen and click the LOAD button, find your named file mysky for image 2001, and load.

Viola! Back you are.

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2013, 07:29:26 PM »

As for deleting a filter from your image.... many ways... Right click on the thumbnail and select REMOVE FILTERS EDIT, and remove the one or all that you want to remove.
From the editor screen, you can do the same by clicking CLEAR.
From the SEL COLOR screen click the red "x" at the top right and say done.

Loads of options!!

Richard of Bandon
Posts: 22

« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2013, 11:40:48 PM »

Thanks to all for the many ways to clean up!  I especially like the red X trick.
An item of interest.  In the image editor, File>Open Filter Parameters from file...window with Mike's predefined filters. 
Suppose one then decides to not use any and even deletes the last used item in File name (my case B&W), click Cancel...the filter is still applied!??  Must be my one thumb doesn't know what the other is doing.


Richard of Bandon
Posts: 22

« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2013, 12:13:44 AM »

Regarding my previous post.  I find it only happens if I am in image editor with the same thumb to which I had previously associated a predefined filter. 

Hope this helps explain my dappling...
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2013, 10:29:51 AM »

Thanks to all for the many ways to clean up!  I especially like the red X trick.
An item of interest.  In the image editor, File>Open Filter Parameters from file...window with Mike's predefined filters. 
Suppose one then decides to not use any and even deletes the last used item in File name (my case B&W), click Cancel...the filter is still applied!??  Must be my one thumb doesn't know what the other is doing.


Good morning. You have grabbed my curiosity.

As I mentioned many times, I have trouble with the questions more than the answers.

May I beg your indulgence?

1) I open an image in the image editor.

2) I activate a predefined filter.... in your case two ways.... either from FILE  Open filter parameters, or previously accomplished using Right click on tthe thumb and selecting predefined filters from there.

Regarding my previous post.  I find it only happens if I am in image editor with the same thumb to which I had previously associated a predefined filter.

3) Here's where I get lost with your question.

Suppose one then decides to not use any and even deletes the last used item in File name (my case B&W), click Cancel..

Click Cancel where?
Are you trying to remove a filter from the image while in the editor, click CLEAR, not Cancel.
If that is the Cancel button to which you refer, the one near the Clear button that only cancels what you have applied to the image at the moment, before it has been applied and saved.

Please clear this up for me.

Snap 006 shows a filter applied in the editor
Snap 007 shows having clicked the CLEAR button and the selected filter waiting for a checkmark to delete it.


Richard of Bandon
Posts: 22

« Reply #10 on: January 18, 2013, 11:08:59 PM »

Thanks for replying. On a second read I can see why my observation is unclear.
This is what I did:  I opened an image in the image editor, did some basic edits and decided to see how the image looked in sepia. While still in the edit window, I clicked on File>Open Filter Parameters from file....
I selected the sepia filter and clicked Open. Then I clicked Done in the image editor, thereby closing the editor and proceeded to do a couple of test prints.  Did not care for the results. I removed the 'sepia filter': rt. click, Remove filters...etc.  I reopened the image editor, clicked on File>Open Filter Parameters from file... to see my other choices.  At this point I changed my mind.
Status: small window still open and near the bottom in the File name slot is my previous selection: {Q}sepia, highlighted. So to close that window I just clicked on Cancel.  Behold, it applied the filter anyway.
I removed the filter using the Clear button in the main image editor page.
I thought that was odd, namely the filter being applied even though I clicked cancel.  So I reopened the Filter Parameters window.  Of course the File name slot still shows {Q}sepia, which is highlighted.  So I pressed Del on my key board and it disappeared. But with NO selection "Open" does nothing, so I clicked Cancel.  Filter applied again!

I guess my point is that the behavior of the Filter Parameters window in the Image Editor seemed odd to me...or is it just me...the odd part!


The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2013, 08:27:19 AM »

my point is that the behaviour of the Filter Parameters window in the Image Editor seemed odd to me
Looks like a bug to me; I can confirm that it happens here too. All works ok when working from the thumbnails.
I'm sure Mike will pick this up and sort it out.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #12 on: January 19, 2013, 10:24:34 AM »

Terrific job of describing.
I can do it here too.
(If I couldn't, Terry would Skype me and call me all sorts of names.)

Seriously, the description of creating the situation that produces the issue is absolutely essential to Mike locating it because he can reproduce it.
You were perfect!!

Now to save a lot of time, I make a small video making the gnat appear, and I'll pass it to Mike.

Good job, well done!
I can make it happen here too!


PS Terry! You ought to know better. Qimage never has a bug; maybe a gnat!
Richard of Bandon
Posts: 22

« Reply #13 on: January 19, 2013, 04:59:13 PM »

Thanks, Fred.
Frankly, I was afraid to call it a "bug"...a wee gnat is perfect.
Every day I am more impressed with the power of QU.  Now it is a rare day that I open any other program to manipulate an image.  As for sharpening, no other program comes close.  Awesome.

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