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Author Topic: Alas, crashes  (Read 4463 times)
Posts: 30

« on: December 18, 2019, 08:47:05 AM »

Qimage Ultimate v2020.109 — Win 10 Pro

The first attached screen shot shows a consistent result this evening when I have turned on soft proofing and then when I click the red "X" to switch it off. The only way to recover is to close the program. Fortunately so far it has closed without further crashes. This has never happened before tonight.

The second attached screen shot displays what happened when I ran the program again, restored previous settings, and tried to drag the same image as before into the page. There were probably 30 or so of those "list index out of bounds" dialog boxes, not all of them visible. I'd click the close box of one and the next one would appear. Finally I closed the last one and the access violation dialog shown in the other screen shot was the result. I again closed the program normally via its own close box.

Kind of dead in the water here. What now?
Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2019, 12:07:45 PM »

The first attached screen shot shows a consistent result this evening when I have turned on soft proofing and then when I click the red "X" to switch it off. The only way to recover is to close the program. Fortunately so far it has closed without further crashes. This has never happened before tonight.
Knowing that soft proofing is actually comparing the Monitor Profile to the Printer profile, we must have a look at the two profiles you chose for those positions.

I caught a glimpse of an ADOBE RGB profile in the printer profile box. That, to the best of my knowledge, is not a printer profile.
I have no idea what is in the monitor profile box.
Naturally, it should not have crashed, and I'm sure  Mike will want to check it out if it happens again.
If you can create the crash, please present as much detail as you can
I cannot create a crash here even if I force feed that profile into Qimage.
Posts: 30

« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2019, 12:22:45 PM »

I've attached a screen shot of the print-to-file dialog. That's my goal here: I want to print to a Fuji Frontier printer, so I need to save a high-quality output file from QU, with its outstanding sharpening. This particular Fuji Frontier's custom profile tends to produce somewhat lackluster results, unfortunately. The original image is not so lackluster. So I decided to try an experiment in which I use not the custom profile but Adobe RGB instead — since that's what the file was converted to when I exported it to TIFF format from Capture One. So here it is in QU as well.

In the dialog, you see the Adobe (meaning Adobe RGB) button accessible within the Output File Format area. When you click it, "Adobe RGB (P)" appears in the "Clr space" field. I assume that "P" stands for "printer" though I don't know for sure. If you click the sRGB button, this appears within the field instead: "sRGB IEC61966-2.1 (P)*". (Not sure what the "*" means.)
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2019, 12:55:29 PM »

In the dialog, you see the Adobe (meaning Adobe RGB) button accessible within the Output File Format area. When you click it, "Adobe RGB (P)" appears in the "Clr space" field. I assume that "P" stands for "printer" though I don't know for sure. If you click the sRGB button, this appears within the field instead: "sRGB IEC61966-2.1 (P)*". (Not sure what the "*" means.)

Here's what I would do:
Place my image into the queue
Right click to CONVERT See  screen snap 054
Notice a check in the box that says Perform Profile to Profile conversion
In the bottom box, insert your Adobe RGB or sRGB. The result will be an image with an embedded color space.

Back to Print to File set up box. Vertical center, at the right edge, you find a selection of output profiles. Use the same one as the embedded one.
Make your Print to File
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4271

« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2019, 02:47:04 PM »

I would try to replicate your results but your screen shots leave more questions than answers because when I look at your screen shots, I have no idea how you got there.  Your last screen shot shows the list index out of bounds but in the background you can see the live view page showing page "Draft of 0" indicating that there are no prints in the live view: zero pages.  In that condition (no prints in the live view), the soft proof button is not even enabled yet it is showing enabled in your screen shot.  There is also a yellow box indicating that a large print has been dragged partway off the page.  Again, I have no idea how you got to where you are in that screen shot.

The only solution in this case is to outline every step you make up until you get the error.  I would need to know every button you click and every interaction you have with the UI from the point you open QU up to the point of the error.  That is usually best accomplished by making a short video showing the screen and all the operations you are performing.  You can do that with video capture software or I believe there are some screen casting sites online.  I suspect you are going through steps I could never anticipate and the only way to know what is going on is to see it.

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