Mike Chaney's Tech Corner

Mike's Software => Qimage Ultimate => Topic started by: Garry611 on July 15, 2022, 04:45:17 PM

Title: Print Positioning on photo paper
Post by: Garry611 on July 15, 2022, 04:45:17 PM
I've been struggling with a setup issue and can't seem to find the right combination to make it work. I have an Epson printer and the printer driver appears to leave a margin at the beginning of the page, so my setup is, I have specified Letter size paper and at the top of the screen QImage reports a page size of 8.2x10.33 which is ok. I am trying to put a 6.5x9.75 print on this letter size with equal spacing on the physical page. It has IntellCenter selected by default, so the print is centered within the printable area but there is a wider gap at one end due to the margin. If I select Manual instead of Ic, I can move the print image toward the top so that it is physically centered on the page with equal spacing at top and bottom. I tried saving this as a layout template, but it doesn't seem to retain the Manual setting but reverts back to Ic.
Is the answer to always select Manual and make the position adjustment before printing? Or did I miss a step in setting up the template?

I have found the answer -- IntelliCenter seems to place the image centered on the physical page. Some downloaded jpegs that I used seemed to give inconsistent results.

Title: Re: Print Positioning on photo paper
Post by: admin on July 16, 2022, 02:16:45 AM
Right: Intellicenter centers on the physical paper.  Plain "Center" placement will center within the printable area.
