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Author Topic: Print Properties  (Read 9997 times)
Posts: 1

« on: September 01, 2010, 12:49:40 AM »

I tried the manual mode and not to sure about that.  A very different approach to opening a dialog box, I just hope that as I get older, my hands don't start shaking.  Maybe I am missing something but as I play with this release, I don't mind the print box being open, it just seems to always be in my way.  I would think that when my mouse cursor moves into the left thumbnail window the dialog box should automatically move to the right window...if the thumbnail I want to look at is under the dialog box, I have to click somewhere below it to move it over on the other side.  Now when moving the curse to the right side I have to click below the dialog box to move it over into the thumbnail area to get it out of the preview window  (irritating).  If the box would just get out of my way depending on what side of the screen my cursor is at would be great.  Again, am I missing something here?

I am a very very happy Studio user and will be supporting this version soon.


Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2010, 09:21:28 AM »

I tried the manual mode and not to sure about that.  A very different approach to opening a dialog box, I just hope that as I get older, my hands don't start shaking

I am older already, so I like the F11 key to open the box, and either a mouse waggle to close it, or another click of the F11 key to close it.
In my mind, I use the print property box to select or change a print size, the majority of the time.
Once in a while, I might need to rotate a print, and maybe a border here and there.
Once I have my print size, I am usually done with that box.
I now have the choice of letting the print property box flag left, or flag right as it has been, or in case you are not pleased with that box opening when you no longer need it, you can set the option to Manual, and use the mouse waggle system, or (for me) the F11 key.

The box will no longer open when you don't need it regardless if you click here or there. You have to request it by mouse waggle, or F11.
That should please most everyone.
Frankly I like playing with the mouse waggle thing. It's Special!

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Posts: 111

« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2010, 11:44:51 AM »

What's a "mouse waggle"? Huh?
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2010, 11:51:10 AM »

What's a "mouse waggle"? Huh

Just go Left to right, and right to left with the cursor across either the preview panel or a thumbnail. No need to hold the button, just the movement, about three small moves will open or close the properties box when you need it.
Make calls it "Shakes", but I don't drink, so I called it waggles.
Also try the F11 key

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4279

« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2010, 01:19:50 PM »

What's a "mouse waggle"? Huh?

Same as the Windows 7 "Aero Shake" feature except you don't hold the mouse button.  Just shake left and right.  It's now a standard Windows gesture.

Of course, if you don't like new tech (mouse gestures), you can use the F11 key but it's easier to just shake left/right 4 times with the mouse because you don't have to use two hands and you never have to look away from the keyboard.  BTW, the F11 key is mentioned if you use the info (question mark) button on the Print Preview window after you switch from auto to manual.

BTW, you don't have to shake over one thumbnail or one print.  Just shake it anywhere over the thumbnail area or the preview page.  You don't have to shake it much either (30 pixels left or right will do).

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Posts: 111

« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2010, 11:55:14 AM »

If you waggle your mouse too much will you go blind? Tongue
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