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Author Topic: Print Properties menu window always in front of Qimage's preview  (Read 8713 times)
Ernst Dinkla
Sr. Member
Posts: 410

« on: June 24, 2011, 09:23:25 AM »

Is there a setting that changes the position of that menu so I can see where the image lands on the print page?
Maybe I can find the right feature for that but asking for a solution takes less time I hope.
Qimage Ultimate in use here.

BTW there is an interesting discussion on the LL forum that may even be informative for Qimage users though much discussed there is no news here.

met vriendelijke groeten, Ernst

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Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2011, 09:31:58 AM »

Is there a setting that changes the position of that menu so I can see where the image lands on the print page?
Maybe I can find the right feature for that but asking for a solution takes less time I hope.
Qimage Ultimate in use here.

Hi, Ernst.
If you set the print properties box from AUTO to Manual mode in the EDIT Preferences menu, you will solve it.
Then the box only opens on a Hold for 1.5 seconds on a Right Mouse button, or the F11 Key, or a waggle of the mouse on the page.

Ernst Dinkla
Sr. Member
Posts: 410

« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2011, 11:28:17 AM »

Hi, Ernst.
If you set the print properties box from AUTO to Manual mode in the EDIT Preferences menu, you will solve it.
Then the box only opens on a Hold for 1.5 seconds on a Right Mouse button, or the F11 Key, or a waggle of the mouse on the page.


Hello Fred,

That interface setting I know and might work for someone else but I prefer the print properties menu to stay and then on another spot. Preferably just left of the preview window and just below the print copies selection. I can understand that on another monitor with other resolutions it may not work out the same. If one could place the properties menu where it is preferred and then close Qimage to get it back on that preferred place I would be happy as a dog with 5 ....

met vriendelijke groeten, Ernst
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« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2011, 02:54:20 PM »

BTW there is an interesting discussion on the LL forum that may even be informative for Qimage users though much discussed there is no news here.

Funny that the "native resolution doesn't matter" myth keeps popping up every 5 years or so and I have to debunk it.  Since the (incorrect) notion that somehow printer drivers have gotten better (at interpolation) over the years might catch on, I thought it might be time to debunk the myth again in my July article: http://ddisoftware.com/tech/articles/july-2011-restless-natives/

I actually wanted to test it again anyway since it has been a while.  Thankfully (for me and Qimage) the drivers are just as bad at interpolation as they've ever been.   Grin

Ernst Dinkla
Sr. Member
Posts: 410

« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2011, 08:24:04 AM »

BTW there is an interesting discussion on the LL forum that may even be informative for Qimage users though much discussed there is no news here.

Funny that the "native resolution doesn't matter" myth keeps popping up every 5 years or so and I have to debunk it.  Since the (incorrect) notion that somehow printer drivers have gotten better (at interpolation) over the years might catch on, I thought it might be time to debunk the myth again in my July article: http://ddisoftware.com/tech/articles/july-2011-restless-natives/

I actually wanted to test it again anyway since it has been a while.  Thankfully (for me and Qimage) the drivers are just as bad at interpolation as they've ever been.   Grin


Yes, that was the part of little interest to a Qimage user and I think some non-Qimage users were enlightened by the discussion. For as long as it goes I guess. There were some interesting bits on deconvolution sharpening though.

While I could get very definite aliasing results with downsampling 2400-1200-600 PPI line targets to the HP Z3100 driver straight away (Z3200+K5400 too), Qimage on Windows Vista 64 and all extrapolation off, it was not so printing from Photoshop CS5 on the latest OS-X to an Epson R2880 and R3880, 1440-720 PPI etc to 720-360 PPI requested input. Some blurring or anti-aliasing is happening then and I can not figure out in which part of the route that is happening. I had not enough time to find out by printing from another application for example.

Back to the topic of the original message, is there a solution for the print properties menu position?

met vriendelijke groeten, Ernst

Try: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Wide_Inkjet_Printers/
Jr. Member
Posts: 84

« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2011, 01:06:06 AM »

Hi Ernst,
I know you probably want a more permanent solution
it looks like it always pops up in the same place over the page preview area no matter if it's set to auto or manual...
but if you grab the blue header and drag it you can  quickly position it anywhere on the main page Wink

Ernst Dinkla
Sr. Member
Posts: 410

« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2011, 12:03:27 PM »

Hi Ernst,
I know you probably want a more permanent solution
it looks like it always pops up in the same place over the page preview area no matter if it's set to auto or manual...
but if you grab the blue header and drag it you can  quickly position it anywhere on the main page Wink



I made that grey on my interface but I know what you mean and use it :-)
Pops back to its old place whenever I change of thumbnail.

Yes a more permanent solution would be nice if it is not something I can do here to let it stay where I want it.

met vriendelijke groeten, Ernst

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