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Author Topic: Print sharpening - glossy vs matte  (Read 6618 times)
Posts: 2

« on: October 19, 2013, 05:29:37 PM »

I have a question about print sharpening. When QU applies print sharpening, does it take into consideration the type of paper being used? Generally matte paper needs a bit more output sharpening than does glossy paper, and I'm not clear in reading the documentation whether the (5) default setting for print sharpening already takes into account the type of paper being used.

Or in other words, should the (5) default setting be bumped up when printing to matte paper?

The reason I ask, rather than just printing and seeing, is that I'm sending photos to a lab and want to select the correct amount before sending.

Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2013, 06:28:47 PM »

I have a question about print sharpening. When QU applies print sharpening, does it take into consideration the type of paper being used? Generally matte paper needs a bit more output sharpening than does glossy paper, and I'm not clear in reading the documentation whether the (5) default setting for print sharpening already takes into account the type of paper being used.

Or in other words, should the (5) default setting be bumped up when printing to matte paper?

The reason I ask, rather than just printing and seeing, is that I'm sending photos to a lab and want to select the correct amount before sending.


The answer is as follows....
You just about have it figured out.
QU is self adjusting for sharpness depending on the ppi and the size print selected.
The paper you use might need more or less than the default of 5.
I use an Epson 2000 and a 5 is perfect for Epson Ultra prem. Glossy and the Ultra premium Luster.
It is also fine for Ilford Pearl.  I use Ilford Pearl at 13 x 19... and it is perfet.

That decision will have to be yours based on trial and error....
You will find that moving from 5 to 8 is barely noticeable so make your tests accordingly.

The issue is that the paper the outside lab is using is not available for your tests at home.
If you can get a few sheets, then Print to File and make your tests.
Otherwise, give them one image at default and then see if you are happy.
Remember to make your print file to the size that the print will be.
Hope this helps,
Posts: 2

« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2013, 06:45:09 PM »

Thanks, that helps. And thanks for the quick reply.
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