I'd like to proof it at my end first and run off some smaller prints to get the sharpening right etc and then send them it as a standard adobergb image so they can just print it as is at their end. Hope that makes sense? Is this possible? Do I need to change the Printer icc in Q to adobergb? I've tried messing about with it but I'm not convinced that what I see is what they'll see.
Thanks in advance.
When you use PTF, use the dot that says Use Prtr ICC and Print sharpening.
When you make your Prin to File, whatever shows in the Prtr ICC box in the Qimage Job Properties will be embedded in the created image.
So if you really want ARGB embedded, then place the ARGB profile in there.
On the other hand, you mentioned that you have the same printer but a smaller version (Like an Epson R 800 and Epson R1800)
If you use printer profiles, then leave your printer profile in the Prtr icc box, and *that* will be embedded ad the color space.
I hope I helped.