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Author Topic: Print to file with template  (Read 7967 times)
Posts: 7

« on: June 08, 2011, 09:24:02 AM »

Hello Mike,
I use templates regularly for repetitive jobs, printing multiple images to one sheet of paper to frame under mats cut by our Gunnar mat cutter to matching mat templates. I'll ask more about that later. The problem I have at this point is trying to print one of those templates, with images to file. If I do the print to file thing, then use current printer stats and printer for file format it flips the paper orientation 90 degrees, and no matter what I try cannot get it stay fomatted as it should be as I had originally set it up. I am using Qimage Ultimate on Windows XP pro, on a Macpro with VMware Fusion.

My other question relates to the relationship between my mat cutter and your software, both of which make my job very easy as they are a wonderfully productive combination. As it is I design either the print layout and print it, or the mat and cut it, then physically measure up and input into the opposite required print layout or mat. Although I have got fairly competent doing this it would be nice to be able to export out a qimage template to the mat cutter software and avoid the mismatches I currently get. So my question is - is it possible to export a template in a format that Corel draw would accept, as I know I can import from Corel into the Gunnar software? I will have an opportunity to speak to the Gunnar people at the Aus PMA in Sydney in a few weeks time.
If this approach is not doable can I suggest a very handy feature for the positioning of images/templates on the edit page function would be the ability to arrange and place the images/templates centres as well as border distances. That would be a big plus for my purposes.
And while I'm at it, a multiple copy/paste would be handy. It would be possible to then make one arrangement and then place as many copies as requires on a roll sheet. This is the sort of layout we use frequently  http://www.goldfieldsimageworks.com.au/sample-racng-frame.htm

Thanks for your attention.
Western Australia
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« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2011, 01:31:50 PM »

The problem I have at this point is trying to print one of those templates, with images to file. If I do the print to file thing, then use current printer stats and printer for file format it flips the paper orientation 90 degrees, and no matter what I try cannot get it stay fomatted as it should be as I had originally set it up


On your first point, the file orientation depends on the page setting in QI, not the printer:

The Honourable Metric Mann
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Posts: 3251

« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2011, 01:34:51 PM »

Hi Lynn
I know your question is to Mike but regarding:
As it is I design either the print layout and print it, or the mat and cut it, then physically measure up and input into the opposite required print layout or mat.
Physically measuring may be a source of some of the mis-match errors you are getting.
When working from Qimage and you make your print, why actually measure it. The Page Editor gives you all the numbers you need to within 0.1mm. If you need centre distances than a little arithmetic is required but the end result as far as the numbers are concerned will be more accurate than you measuring.
When you make the mat first, then use the Gunnar software numbers in the Qimage Page Editor.
Another suggestion, if you have standard Qimage templates for your jobs, why not reproduce the equivalent in Corel Draw all ready to import into the Gunner software? Or better still, does the Gunner software have the ability to use templates that can be recalled
I know this does not automate a Gunner set up for you, but making a set of templates for Gunner use will improve that side of the process, just as Qimage  templates have helped you with the printing.
Posts: 7

« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2011, 02:12:38 PM »

Maybe I need to elaborate a bit more, I suppose the main catalyst for this comes from a job on last week where there were 25 5x7 photos, each with a title box beneath and a 1100 x 800 mat size. It took no more that 90 seconds to design the mat template. Keep in mind that each image placement needs to be at least 5mm overall larger than the mat window. After cutting,printing, cutting, printing, cutting to a frustrating level I eventually sorted it but it was a wasteful and time consuming exercise. Still better that individually lining up and securing 50 individual items in a frame and needing 4 of them! If I could have used the same file (layout) for both or lined both print and mat files by their centres it would have been a whole lot easier. Believe me I utilised my very best math, an accurate steel rule and a magnifying glass but still had the compounding effect of small incremental inaccuracies turning into a white line exposed down at the end of the line print.
I don't know how many photographers do what I do with framing like this but I do know that many framers are doing there own printing and from my experience with the Qimage software there is nothing that comes close so maybe there is function that could be covered.

Posts: 7

« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2011, 02:18:38 PM »

Thanks Terry,

But I tried every combination of page orientation, dimension orientation, made it square and tried to remove white space. Unless I have missed something I don't think it works the way I ask of it.

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