Title: Printer Purge Sheets Post by: AlanH on June 05, 2020, 08:42:37 PM Regarding setting up a Printer Purge cycle in Q-Ult, I've always heard that Epson printers should be turned OFF because, otherwise, the print heads can dry out when not parked. Canon, on the other hand, recommends leaving their printers turned ON. I have both an Epson R2880 and a Canon PRO-100. I'm concerned about leaving the Epson printer turned on all the time in order to run a purge schedule; the Canon should be fine. What do all you folks with Epson printers do?
Thanks! Title: Re: Printer Purge Sheets Post by: admin on June 06, 2020, 02:14:21 AM I would suggest going to Jose's Photo Printing Facebook group. Jose will know the answer and there are probably more people into the hardware aspect there:
https://www.facebook.com/groups/1915547415436501 I would be surprised if Epsons didn't park their heads after the print is done though. Haven't seen any posts about needing to turn Epson printers off. Regards, Mike Title: Re: Printer Purge Sheets Post by: Mrdpe6cambs on June 07, 2020, 10:29:36 AM I have owned 7 Epson printers over the years and have always turned them off when not in use. I have never
noticed any problems with the heads drying out, nor have I ever had to carry out excessive nozzle cleaning cycles, but then they have always been used on a daily basis. Regards - Mike - UK |