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Author Topic: Printing a raw file I'm doing something wrong  (Read 6783 times)
Posts: 22

« on: June 15, 2019, 02:29:03 PM »

Canon RAW file. In settings:  "Use Camera profile"--supplied by Qimage. 
Printing to Epson 1440.
Qimage : let printer manage profile.
 Epson: ICM setting  for selected paper .
The photo looks correct on the monitor: Silhouette on a blue background.
Print has a purplish background with reddish tones near the top.

If I "convert" the image to jpg< the print matches the monitor when the "perform a profile conversion' box is not checked.

I think I know the source of the redness. Blue background produced by LED wash lights on a theater CYC. A halogen wash light with red gel must have been on at low intensity--not obvious to the human eye or to Qimage when it initially processed the raw file for viewing or converting but factored in when printing from RAW.

Am I missing a setting to avoid this problem?

Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2019, 06:32:47 PM »

Canon RAW file. In settings:  "Use Camera profile"--supplied by Qimage. 

Trying to get the facts straight.
What camera are you using?
What color space is the raw image in?  See screen snap of bottom of my screen.
When you convert to JPG with convert profile to profile UNCHECKED, then the color space of the raw is kept in the jPG.
So both images, raw and jpg should show the same suffix when you check it as per my screen snap.
What camera, first in importance.

Posts: 22

« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2019, 01:57:05 AM »

Camera: Canon Eos Rebel T6s
Bottom line for the raw image info ends in ICC: EOS Rebel T6s.icm  (I assumed this is the camera profile included with the Qimage software)
Bottom line for the jpg converted by Qimage ends with ICC: sRGBIEC611966-2.1 (this is the version that prints correctly)   

Side notes: I shoot RAW + jpg with the camera. The camera's jpg version shows the purple/pinkish color cast.
                When I click to view the raw version "full screen"  the "off color": version seems to appear very briefly and snaps to the overall blue I  want to print.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2019, 08:59:48 AM »

Side notes: I shoot RAW + jpg with the camera. The camera's jpg version shows the purple/pinkish color cast.
                When I click to view the raw version "full screen"  the "off color": version seems to appear very briefly and snaps to the overall blue I  want to print.

That tells me something.
Bottom line for the raw image info ends in ICC: EOS Rebel T6s.icm  (I assumed this is the camera profile included with the Qimage software)
Bottom line for the jpg converted by Qimage ends with ICC: sRGBIEC611966-2.1 (this is the version that prints correctly)  

So please try this.  UNcheck the enable custom profiles box in Raw format options. See attached Snap.
This should set the color space to RGB

After doing this, right click on the thumb (s) you are testing, and select REBUILD SELECTED THUMBS

If the problem goes away, the camera profile is corrupt.
PS You don't have to shoot RAW PLUS jpg.
The RAW has a jpg inside of it. To retrieve, place image in queue, right click, and select Extract Embedded Image Raw.
See screen snap
« Last Edit: June 16, 2019, 09:09:28 AM by Fred A » Logged
Posts: 22

« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2019, 10:49:55 AM »

Yes!!!!! That worked.
Many thanks. I've been using Qimage for years. It produced impressively better prints from my first digital camera a 2K Vivitar. No other software gives such great results with few hassles.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2019, 11:03:14 AM »

Yes!!!!! That worked.
Many thanks. I've been using Qimage for years. It produced impressively better prints from my first digital camera a 2K Vivitar. No other software gives such great results with few hassles.

Now the question is whether your camera profile for the Rebel T6s is corrupt, or only your copy which can happen on install.
(Some antivirus program decides to do an MRI on files)
I just emailed my copy to you to see if that works properly.
Remove old copy or overwrite

Oh and remember to put the checkmark back so Qimage knows to use it, and rebuild thumbs again.
Posts: 22

« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2019, 03:12:33 PM »

Did that. Your profile gives better results but does not totally eliminate the pink coloring.

Since the "work-around" did provide an excellent print  and the lighting combination that produced the problem was inadvertent,  we might as well stop here.
I think the culprit is the RGBA LED fixtures. We have an HD video camera that sends a view of the stage to several TVs in the lobby and wings. Some shades on the back CYC  appear drastically different on the monitors. e.g. a nice vivid red turns  muddy with just a hint of red. I think the frequencies produced by the sensors in the camera do not  match  those needed by the RGB filters in the TV producing some anomalies.  May be true than  that the software that needs to process the camera data cannot always translate into a suitable print if weird lighting conditions are the cause.

Thanks for your help.
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