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Author Topic: Printing Issue  (Read 6606 times)
Posts: 3

« on: May 11, 2018, 09:53:07 PM »

Hi, I’m trying out QImage before buying. My interest is in printing Painter 2018 art with accurate monitor to printer rendering. Well, on that score, very good. Yesterday I printed a greeting card. Color is true, but the entire background is a light grey except for a 1/4” white boarder around the card. The card syock  is white. Wondered, is there a setting I need to fix or did I do something in the set up to cause this to happen? I tried to find out what was going on, but frankly the learning curve is too steep at this point in time. So here I am. I just want some piece of mind to help me decide to buy or not. Thanks anyone who can help. Jimmy
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2018, 09:00:07 AM »

Hi, I’m trying out QImage before buying. My interest is in printing Painter 2018 art with accurate monitor to printer rendering. Well, on that score, very good. Yesterday I printed a greeting card. Color is true, but the entire background is a light grey except for a 1/4” white boarder around the card. The card syock  is white. Wondered, is there a setting I need to fix or did I do something in the set up to cause this to happen? I tried to find out what was going on, but frankly the learning curve is too steep at this point in time. So here I am. I just want some piece of mind to help me decide to buy or

Hi Jimmy, welcome.
What printer are you using?
Have you checked the white for being white?  See screen snaps attached.
While in the Editor, I place my mouse pointer on the white letters and read the RGB values as shown in the snap. You see 255, 255, 255;read back the numbers you get/
Can you do a White Balance using the white card background as the sample white patch?

The other day, I got a call from a user who complained that the white underside of a bird's wing was printing pink and red, and should be white like he sees on his monitor.
I had him 'mouse over' the wing area and read the RGB values.   Red was 241, Green was 47, and Blue was 64.
That's why he got a white wing with a reddish underside.

Set your profile's rendering intent to Relative Colorimetric.
If you wouldn't mind, you can send the image to me   wathree.ssz@verizon.net

Posts: 3

« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2018, 05:53:47 PM »

Hi Fred,

Thanks a lot for your quick reply. I apologize for my sketchy info about my set-up. HP Omen laptop (Windows 10), Cintiq 22HDT monitor, Wacom Color Manager calibration, Epson 2880 printer, Red River papers (with matching ICC profiles), Software Painter 2018, Art Rage, Paint Storm Studio.

Workflow: Create art.... export as PSD.... Open in QI... (This is where I am stuck.)

Did as you suggested measuring the white. Canvas background in Painter 2018 - 255, 255, 255. In QImage background - 247, 247, 247

I have attached the set-up in QI that gave me the light grey background.

I have to say that I import the PSD with all the layers present (Not flattened) I have no clue how to find the layers in QI so maybe that is where I should adjust the white?

Should I be importing my art in QI as a flat image and not as layers?

Anyway, Fred, thank you for your patience dealing with me on this. I really want this to work as I am getting a handle on just how powerful QI is.


Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2018, 08:22:59 PM »

I have attached the set-up in QI that gave me the light grey background.

Looking at your screen snap, I see NO printer profile in use.
You need to insert the proper printer profile that you mention: Red River paper and matching profile.
Then you must set the driver to No Color Management, or OFF! as shown in the accompanying screen snaps.
That should set your colors and whites properly; assuming the Red river profile is proper.
Look at my screen snaps and you can see my profile for Canon Luster paper. Yours should show the Red River profile and even more important, select the paper type in the driver to exactly what Red River recommends for the paper you bought.
Posts: 3

« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2018, 03:43:35 PM »

Bingo, Fred. Thanks for your help! The color on my latest print is perfect. So, I bought QU. Got registered and am going to start learning more details so I can use it more effectively.

Installed from the e-mail download link and registered the software. In the process the installer asked about where to save the QU data. I did not select the default, but rather the Documents and Settings option. I was expecting the QU data folder to be somewhere in My Documents folder. I wanted it there because I use Folder Clone to back up all my art files and want to have QU jobs backed up also. Can’t find it! My next task is to learn how the jobs feature works so I can include it in my work flow.

Would you be able to guide through this, or is it better for me to start a new post?

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2018, 04:32:35 PM »

Installed from the e-mail download link and registered the software. In the process the installer asked about where to save the QU data. I did not select the default, but rather the Documents and Settings option. I was expecting the QU data folder to be somewhere in My Documents folder. I wanted it there because I use Folder Clone to back up all my art files and want to have QU jobs backed up also. Can’t find it! My next task is to learn how the jobs feature works so I can include it in my work flow.

Would you be able to guide through this, or is it better for me to start a new post?
Hi Jimmy
There are quite a number of "Documents" folders, accessible from various routes, so I cannot help you not knowing where to start.
On the other hand, see screen snap (including the PATH above) and you can see what it should look like.
You can do a search for a folder or two.

If it was me, I would reinstall Qimage Ultimate allowing the default location, and get it working properly You can always copythe folders that you need to an auxiliary folder.

The installer in Qimage has a memory and it will probably default to the last location it was told to use.
Change back to C:\Programdata\ddisoftware\qimage

Since you are new to Qimage, we have enough to learn before we mess with locations.

Qimage has made the copying very simple. It is called Migrating. We can Migrate with three clicks anytime.
See screen snaps.

As far as helping you to get the hang of how it works, it will be my pleasure, and others will help too.
This forum contains some really nice people.

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