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Author Topic: Prints from Layout won't "print to file"  (Read 10831 times)
Posts: 18

« on: July 30, 2015, 03:19:03 AM »


I need help.   I am using Qimage Ultimate 2016.105 to process a bunch of kids pictures for a children's activity, and I need to put their portraits on a 4x6 print so its centered in a rubbery foam craft frame.  This seemd to be the perfect use of qimage "layouts".

I created a layout by putting a background image on the page, setup the size for the print area and added the "template" image to the page and centered it.   After I saved it as a layout, I cleared the queue, and specified the custom layout and started adding my prints.   I added a few of the kids images, and printed them off on my ink jet printer.  They are perfect.

The problem is that when I went to create the image files to send to the Costco printer, qimage is writing out all of the components of the layout; background, image, blank page, template etc. as separate images.  Not once is the whole image as shown in the print queue written to the file as the images were printed to my local printer.

Does anyone have any idea about what I'm doing wrong?

Thank you,

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2015, 08:48:24 AM »

Does anyone have any idea about what I'm doing wrong?

I think I can take a good guess.
Bob, I think you left a checkmark in the RIP box.
See attached screen snap.
Look at the cursor pointer. No check in that box, and you should be ok

Posts: 18

« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2015, 01:41:23 PM »

Hi Fred,

Thank you for the quick reply.  That box isn't checked.    If I check it, I get all of the components of the layout .    If I don't check it, I get just my background image, and several white empty images.  It's very strange.

I tried using "user naming" option, and it does no better.   

I've explored all of the options so far, and nothing works.
Posts: 18

« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2015, 03:06:38 PM »

I have more information.

If I make a simpler layout without a background image and one image template, then it will  print to a files properly.

I think this is a bug.   This seriously limits the abilities of using layouts.

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2015, 06:14:24 PM »

I have more information.
Bob, in order figure out a solution, I would have to repeat what you are doing, step by step.
What size paper? What size prints?
 What printer?
Can you send me the layout you made?
How many small prints, what size.?
You have a template, what for? What does it hold? That is besides the layout template?

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2015, 07:42:38 PM »

Hi Bob,
I knocked up a quick example of what I understand you are trying to do.
I placed a background image on a page and added 2 template place holders; saved as a layout and then recalled the Layout from Custom.
See 1st screen shot below.
I then dragged a couple of thumbs to the place - holders, 2nd screen shot.

Next I printed to file with "Don't change print sizes" dotted in the P2F set up and RIP not ticked as Fred has shown.
It worked perfectly and the resulting file looked just like the 2nd screen shot.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2015, 07:46:03 PM by Terry-M » Logged
Posts: 18

« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2015, 06:22:09 PM »

Thank you Fred and Terry.

That is what I was doing exactly, except I only had one template box I was sticking kids pictures in.

I had it happen on two computers.

I'll do a reset of Qimage, and try it again from scratch.    Hopefully, I won't have the problem again.   I'll post my results.

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2015, 08:13:58 PM »

(Busy installing W 10 here)

Might sound like a dumb question so please  don't get feathers ruffled.

When you open the saved layout, Do you open from Print Properties and Custom and Layouts, or do you go to File, Recall, "L" button and get it from there?
I have seen a good number of users open their layout from the wrong side of the fence.

Posts: 18

« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2015, 08:55:02 PM »

No worries about ruffling feathers.  I just appreciate the support.

No,  but I just updated to the latest, reset all the application settings and started from scratch.  It worked fine this time.

Here is what did exactly:

1. I set my printer properties (this time print to file 4x6, 320 dpi to go to costco.
2. selected "Landscape Page" button so it would look like I want it.
3. selected "new print size" button to bring up the Print Properties selection dialog.
4. selected Fit to page
5. Dropped my background image onto the page.
6. selected "new print size" button to bring up the Print Properties selection dialog.
7. selected 3x5
8. Added the template to the page.
9. Click File menu, then save to bring up the Safe dialog box.
10 Then I selected L for layout, and entered the file name for the layout, and clicked save.
11. Next I right clicked on the page area, and cleared the queue.
12. Next I clicked on the  "new print size" button to bring up the Print Properties selection dialog.
13. I clicked the "Custom" item to bring up the "Special Sizes" dialog box.
14. I selected the "Layout" radio button and clicked "OK". (leaving everything else as default)
15. I selected my new layout file "bob4x6.tpl" and clicked Open.  Everything looks good.  I seem my background as I expect it to, and I have the Template in the middle where I will drop kids pictures one by one.
16. I started adding kids pictures to the template.
17. did a page edit to get the picture in the template the way I want it, and then click done.
18. Click print
19. clicked "Auto naming" (NOTE: RIP check box is not checked)
20. clicked ok.

The print worked fine......    So. I guess resetting everything made the difference.

I swear, I did this a bunch of times and it was doing this to me on two different computers.

The good news is that it works perfectly now, and I have had a lot of practice with Layouts!

Thank you again guys for your support.


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