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Author Topic: PRO-1000 forced manual feed  (Read 3938 times)
Posts: 9

« on: August 12, 2023, 05:09:22 AM »

Some drivers force manual feed over top feed, which I get. However, the manual feed cannot print paper narrower than about 8". There is a setting in print properties to ignore that and allow either feed to be used, however anytime I set that option as soon as I hit OK, QU announces it has changed it back.

Is there a preference I'm missing to avoid having this switched back? I have a ton of 4x6 prints to do and have matching driver and profile for my exact paper, but I can't use the driver because it allows manual feed only (even though the paper works just fine in the top feed). I've had to resort to experimenting with random drivers. The only heavy paper driver that allows top feed is RR Polar Matte, though I am printing RR Pecos River Gloss.
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4229

« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2023, 01:34:48 PM »

It's not QU that is announcing it has changed it back: it is the driver correcting the incompatibility when you click "OK".  The driver is basically telling you that the combination is invalid and the driver forces you to change it.  This is not related to QU: it/you have to work within the capabilities and restrictions set forth by the driver.

Jr. Member
Posts: 84

« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2023, 08:03:05 PM »

I have had a 1000 for years and knew, going in, that it did not print 4x6.  This was fine with me as I was never a fan of borderless as it ‘gums up’ the printer innards.  If I needed 4x6, I would print multiples on 8.5x11 and cut.  I did the same with greeting cards as I like them to be borderless (and most of the card stock sizes would no print borderless on 1000 anyway).

My wife likes to have images (prints) in hand (we are older).  I finally got lazy and got a Epson ET-8550 just so I could easily print 4x6 (and other stuff) from computer (qimage, LR) or direct from iPhone.  RR has profiles for this printer, but, I see, not for Pecos.
Posts: 9

« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2023, 03:17:57 AM »

A window pops up saying Driver AI has reset the setting, so I turned off the manage hidden option in Driver AI and it stopped unchecking that option. The Top Feed option is still not available for this paper type, even though the option remained checked. I guess it must be hard-baked into the profile.

Is there a way to open, edit, and re-save media profiles? (not a QU question, I just hoped someone might know).
Sr. Member
Posts: 366

« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2023, 01:27:01 PM »

There are profile editors available, but it sounds to me as if this is a driver issue and not a profile issue.
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