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Author Topic: Problem Printing Photoshop PSD files containiong layers with masks.  (Read 10413 times)
Roy Sletcher
Posts: 47

« on: October 31, 2015, 03:11:55 AM »

Up until recently I have been able to print Photoshop PSD files containing layers without any problem.

Recently the layered files have started to print differently. The masked areas now print a solid black instead of the images that is on the layers and is normally printed as displayed in Photoshop

I have attached a screen image to illustrate. The areas showing black print black, even though the layered files contain images of logos or type matter that is displayed correctly in Photoshop, and prints correctly from Photoshop.

Is it one of my settings, or has something changed recently in Qimage ultimate?

Hope my explanation is clear. Happy to answer any questions to try and resolve this.

Roy Sletcher
Long time lurker

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2015, 09:04:47 AM »

I could have sworn I replied to this yesterday in a different spot in a different category

Recently, not sure when, the non image areas of the Layered PSD files now show up as black, and worse, print as solid black in the non image area.  Still display and print correctly in Photoshop.

Hi Roy,
I am certainly the last one here that knows very much about Photo Shop.
Nevertheless, something is obviously set differently from your previous work.

Unless, someone who uses PS has the solution, I advise that you send me one of the images that exhibits the problem, and I will be sure to have Mike see it ASAP.
The only reason you send it to me is that Mike is so busy that it might be a while until he gets to see it.
If it's emailable, wathree.ssz@verizon.net
If too big to email, I recommend a free file transfer service called WE TRANSFER.
Terry and I use it all the time.
They will send it to me when you insert my email address.

... and you are not a lurker. I remember your name easily. Besides, Lurkers are all in demand for Halloween.
Recently, not sure when, the non image areas of the Layered PSD files now show up as black, and worse, print as solid black in the non image area.  Still display and print correctly in Photoshop.

Sr. Member
Posts: 265

WWW Email
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2015, 11:15:48 AM »

This happens from time to time with .psd files when you use them in  programs apart from Adobe ones,  Adobe don't release or publish their conversion algorithm.
There can be several reasons, but the most common one is a saved alpha layer which happens when you use Select>Save Selection for example.
You can check in the 'Channels'  panel, but the safest way is to flatten the image and save as a .jpg or a .tif. You can also try using Layer>Merge Visible if you want to keep any transparency in a .psd.

« Last Edit: October 31, 2015, 11:22:15 AM by BrianPrice » Logged
Roy Sletcher
Posts: 47

« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2015, 02:09:47 AM »

Thanks Fred and Brian for reply.

I had previously tried to post a message about this problem, but for some reason could not find it again. Seemed to vanish. Probably me, but I find the editor and interface on this board somewhat cumbersome and not very intuitive..

Now for the good news, for me anyway.

After enduing this problem for a week or so it inexplicably went away. About 50 or more are now viewing and printing OK with the problem persisting on 4 or so. That I can live with. 

Not sure what caused the change, although I must confess to some random unscientific fiddling with settings.

Reason I needed to retain the layers if possible, is because I print batches of cards, with differing messages and personalized data contained on the various layers, which I switch on as needed. Flattening whilst feasible, would have hindered my workflow.

Thanks again for the rush to help it is much appreciated.

Back to lurking.

Roy Sletcher
Geraldo Garcia
Posts: 46

« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2015, 04:30:26 PM »

I have noticed this problem in the past and "solved" it saving layered TIFF files instead of layered PSD files. Same functionality and never had a problem with TIFF.
Roy Sletcher
Posts: 47

« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2015, 05:36:14 PM »

Thanks Geraldo,

You are the man.  Cheesy

The problem had returned, and I had been too busy to be able to troubleshoot the cause.

Just did  a preliminary test after reading your message.  Some of my files had alpha channels which I deleted and voila!!

Now able to save and print from clear PSD and TIF files.

If the result holds up it would suggest Qimage is incompatible with Photoshop Alpha Channels.

Pity, but I can work around that.

Sometimes things are not what they seem, so still need to do more testing to be certain.

Thanks for the suggestion Geraldo, much appreciated

Roy Sletcher
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