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Author Topic: Problem rotating print 90 degrees.  (Read 5918 times)
Full Member
Posts: 224

« on: May 25, 2014, 02:02:27 PM »

Have a 2835x269 pixel sized TIFF image.  (Long  & skinny). Version 225 fwiw.

In the preview window on 8x11.5 portrait, it comes in vertically so it lines up lengthwise.

If I try and rotate it 90 degrees (Set print rotation), it mirrors the image (flips on vertical axis like 180 degrees) and doesn't rotate 90 degrees.  I have to make it really small in size 3x5 to allow me to rotate it 90 degrees and not mirror flip it or whatever else is happening in rotation.

Used to be able to rotate 90 degrees and then pull to fit to page with blue line around image but not now.

Noticed too sometimes if I drag a blue corner to make it larger, it makes another copy of the same image on the same page?


« Last Edit: May 25, 2014, 02:19:18 PM by Mack » Logged
Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2014, 02:49:20 PM »

Have a 2835x269 pixel sized TIFF image.  (Long  & skinny). Version 225 fwiw.

In the preview window on 8x11.5 portrait, it comes in vertically so it lines up lengthwise.

If I try and rotate it 90 degrees (Set print rotation), it mirrors the image (flips on vertical axis like 180 degrees) and doesn't rotate 90 degrees.  I have to make it really small in size 3x5 to allow me to rotate it 90 degrees and not mirror flip it or whatever else is happening in rotation.

Used to be able to rotate 90 degrees and then pull to fit to page with blue line around image but not now.

Hi Mack,
Sorry, but you just cant fit a 10" long image onto an 8" page. Qimage is smart enough to know that.
It doesn't do that in any version that I can remember, so I even tried an old Ultimate and a STUDIO, Same on all of them, and I made a crop exactly to the size you specified.
Neither will the image rotate within its own place holder 10 does not fit into 1.12

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