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Author Topic: Problem setting up a canvas wrap in QI ultimate.  (Read 7894 times)
Roy Sletcher
Posts: 47

« on: February 09, 2014, 07:08:03 PM »

Hi Fred, Terry, or anybody who can help,

I am a long time user, but mainly a lurker having learned much from this forum. Now I have  a problem and am looking for help.

Since the instruction videos were published showing how to set up for a canvas wrap the interface has changed somewhat, and there appears to be several places to enter parameters. Some parameters don`t seem to stick, or change on the fly for no apparent reason.

Could you briefly review the procedure because I am trying to setup for a 9 x 12 image with .75inch mirror border on side and .75inch mirror border on back.
For some reason I get the image size reduced from 9 x 12 to 9 11.25 inches, and all the border margins, images and sizes are screwed up.

Have included couple of screen shots of my settings to help explain. I am running QU 2014.137 on Windows 7.  Pretty sure I am the problem, but cannot figure out correct sequence and procedure.
Last time I did this was probably about a year or so ago and it worked with no problem. To day I have wasted 4 sheets of wrap stock and over 2 hours trying to get it right. Can`t figure out what I am doing wrong.

Any help or guidance would be appreciated.


Roy Sletcher

PS: Having trouble getting the site to accept my iamge files illustrating the problem - will try again in separate message.
Roy Sletcher
Posts: 47

« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2014, 07:10:36 PM »

IS this works these are the files referred to in my previous message which will hopefully clarify my problem

Roy Sletcher
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2014, 10:37:09 AM »

Hi Roy,
For some reason I get the image size reduced from 9 x 12 to 9 11.25 inches, and all the border margins, images and sizes are screwed up.
The overall print size with the 2 x 0.75" border will be 15x12".
I think I've spotted the problem from your screen shots - you have not put a dot in the spot for Auto Crop ON. Without this your print will be the same aspect ratio as the image rather than that of the specified print size.
See my screen shots below.
I have made the outer border coloured so it is easier to see. The second screen shot is from the Page Editor size tab.
Roy Sletcher
Posts: 47

« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2014, 04:00:42 AM »

Thanks for the help Terry,

It is late here, so I will give it a try in the morning.

It is always the small things that cause the problems.  ;-)

I made several canvas wraps a few months ago, so I know it works. Just have to get the correct settings, and don't want to waste too much paper doing it.

Also think I was working using he net image size of 9 x 12.  Will adjust it to 12 x 15.

Roy Sletcher

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2014, 07:44:39 AM »

Hi Roy,
Also think I was working using he net image size of 9 x 12.  Will adjust it to 12 x 15.
If your canvas frame is 9x12 than the print size should be set to 9x12 as you show in your 1st screen shot.
Canvas borders are set to B+, ie. the border is added on to the print size. The "Actual Print Size"  reported in the page editor (and in the Queue tab) is the set print size plus the borders.
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