One oddity, when I print out images that, up to now, fitted well into this size without cropping them, the prints come out with the side margins greater than the top and bottom. If I put auto-crop on they are cropped and come out totally symmetrical.
I don't know the origins of the images for your prints. Were they cropped earlier? Are they from a camera?
Regardless, Qimage Ultimate is telling you that your requested print size 8.0 x 10.5 is a different shape (aspect ratio) from the image shape.
Qimage needs permission to crop a little on one side to allow it to expand the image to fill your other side.
Look at it this way.
Most SLR cameras produce an image at a ratio of 3:2. Most typical Point and Shoot cameras produce an image with a 4:3 ratio.
If you wanted to print a 5 x 7 print, neither aspect ratio matches 5 x 7, so Qimage will have to crop a little to fill out your size request.
Oh, how do i make these setting default so I do not have to do the whole setup each time?
Default? Just close Qimage. It remembers everything. Next time you open it, it will be just like it is now.
If you should want to save the settings and use them on another day,
You can click FILE SAVE , and when the box opens you can click the S button and save the SETTINGS, or tick the "J" button and save the JOB.
When you want it again, click FILE RECALL and click the correct button and load it.
Another easy way to recall the settings is:
Click File and then OPEN Automated Job Log.
Find your previous print; highlight it, OPEN!
That's all there is to it.