Good day !
(may be - morning or evening..

I'm using Qimage for many years.....
I would like to ask you to fix problem with inserting floating text on pictures:
- I open an image in the Edit Page window and paste the text as Floating Text in the place I need. So do, say, for 2 images.
- then in the 3rd image I also insert the text, but this time when closing the menu I select the option "All Prints in Queue".
- close the menu, move the text to the right place and maybe change orientation (allign it).
- open the menu for 3rd image select again option "All Prints in Queue".
And when closing - select the option "" Would you like to apply your changes to all other text labels that are identical to the current slected text label? "
Answer - "Yes".
But after this insertion of this text, they DO NOT CHANGE their orientation or position in other images ..
And sometimes (often, but not everytime) happens the next:
if in the picture with the text already inserted, I insert one more text, but another text and select the "All Prints in Queue" option, then it will NOT appear in other pictures, but only in this one ...
3. if I insert floating text as I've mentioned in 1 - in 1st and 2nd images, then insert other text in in 3rs image - then this last text - doesn't appear ifirst 2 images.....
Please try these operations some times - and I do beleive you'll see the the same.
Hoping for problems'll be corrected
Best regards,