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Author Topic: PSD Files are washed out  (Read 7874 times)
Posts: 6

« on: November 08, 2019, 04:17:20 PM »

I am having this issue with 2020.105, but updated version due to seeing issue on 2019.115.

On the latest version of Qimage Ultimate I am having issues where any psd files look very washed out both on the thumbnail list and when I print. I converted the same file to jpg and it is looks totally normal. I am using Photoshop CC on a Windows 8.1 laptop to create both the psd file and jpg. I can pull up exactly the same psd and jpg files on my old Windows 7 desktop that is still on Qimage Ultimate version 2018.121 and both thumbnails look exactly the same as I would expect. I am adding pictures of both Qimage versions thumbnail views.


Any assistance is appreciated.

« Last Edit: November 08, 2019, 04:19:05 PM by lincolnmat » Logged
Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2019, 08:10:14 PM »

On the latest version of Qimage Ultimate I am having issues where any psd files look very washed out both on the thumbnail list and when I print. I converted the same file to jpg and it is looks totally normal. I am using Photoshop CC on a Windows 8.1 laptop to create both the psd file and jpg. I can pull up exactly the same psd and jpg files on my old Windows 7 desktop that is still on Qimage Ultimate version 2018.121 and both thumbnails look exactly the same as I would expect. I am adding pictures of both Qimage versions thumbnail views.

I would start by clicking on RAW THUMB BUILDER at the top left, and tell it to rebuild all the thumbs and cache in the folder.
Posts: 6

« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2019, 04:33:35 AM »


Thanks for the reply.

I don't see how this could be a caching issue. I created new versions of each of these files (that's why it has numbers after it.) And for the pictures I posted I copied the directory to my network drive so both versions of Qimage could see the exact same files. The directory was created moments before I pulled it up so there could be no cache. The image PRINTS washed out too, not just the thumbnail.

It seems to me that Qimage is having problems processing or recognizing the Levels layer - and possibly the Hue layer that are both part of the psd edits. I created the freshly numbered psd and then immediately made a jpg version of the same file in Photoshop. They SHOULD look exactly the same in Qimage, but don't.

« Last Edit: November 09, 2019, 04:37:22 AM by lincolnmat » Logged
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« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2019, 10:50:11 AM »


PSD is a  propitiatory Adobe format, and although it usually works in other programs there is never any guarantee that it will, as adjustment layers and smart filters can cause trouble. There is a setting in the PS preferences - Edit>Preferences> File Handling called 'Maximise PSD and PSD File Compatability' which should be set to 'Always', but it's best to avoid PSDs in general, as occasional problems will always occur. Saving as a maximum JPG is the best solution and will be faster to process, but if you are worried about compression saving as a TIF should work.


Posts: 6

« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2019, 12:18:54 PM »


I have been using Qimage with psd files for many years, long before Ultimate, without a problem. I agree that we can't expect 100% compatibility with the proprietary format forever, but in this case the 2018 version of Qimage is getting it right, but the 2020 version is not. Something seems to have changed within Qimage in the last couple years.

Posts: 6

« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2019, 12:54:49 PM »

I just was looking at the update notes and saw that there was an update between my version that works and the two that don't specifically relating to PSD. "2019.104 improves PSD file compatibility by recognizing embedded ICC profiles in PSD files with a wider range of save options and features.". Perhaps it resolved one issue and created another? I don't believe I have any embedded ICC in my PSD, but I will check.

Posts: 6

« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2019, 01:31:25 PM »

So I have looked around and my PSD files DO have an embedded ICC profile - seems to be required by Photoshop for compatibility. I am puzzled why before the 2019.104 change was made my PSD files match between Photoshop and printing from Qimage, but now they don't. Was this change needed? Seems like double profiling is happening somewhere.

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Posts: 4286

« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2019, 02:57:57 PM »

Hold your mouse over the PSD file in the latest version and look at the status (EXIF) bar on the bottom of the main window: is it showing the correct ICC profile for the color space that is embedded in the image?  I tested the latest version of Photoshop CC by saving some PSD files with various color spaces and the latest version appears to be working as it should.  If there is some form of PSD that isn't working for you, maybe you could upload that PSD and provide a link or email it to me?

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4286

« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2019, 05:17:15 PM »


PSD is a  propitiatory Adobe format, and although it usually works in other programs there is never any guarantee that it will, as adjustment layers and smart filters can cause trouble. There is a setting in the PS preferences - Edit>Preferences> File Handling called 'Maximise PSD and PSD File Compatability' which should be set to 'Always', but it's best to avoid PSDs in general, as occasional problems will always occur. Saving as a maximum JPG is the best solution and will be faster to process, but if you are worried about compression saving as a TIF should work.



This is the most likely cause.  Over the years, I've updated the PSD reading capability of QU to support more incarnations of the PSD format.  But because the PSD format is proprietary to Photoshop only (even Lightroom can't read them unless you engage "maximize compatibility" mode), it isn't possible to read all formats, layers, image modes, etc. stored in PSD files.  Each update gets better overall but none can be 100% and may have issues in different areas due to the proprietary nature of the PSD format.  If I went back to the old PSD reader I was using in 2018, it would likely fix your problem but create 3 others.  That's the nature of the PSD format and why I recommend never using it outside of Photoshop.  Use an international standard like TIFF instead.

Posts: 6

« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2019, 05:52:49 PM »

Thank you very much for doing so much checking Mike!

I had not been printing PSD files directly in Qimage since the great Photoshop and Lightroom plugins were created. In this case I had already closed Photoshop (why does it take SOOOO long to start???) and just tried Qimage directly as I still had it open. I will go back to using the plugin for PSD files going forward.

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