Title: PSD Vs TIFF Post by: atb on October 24, 2018, 09:56:15 PM What are the pros and cons between printing PSD or TIFF?
I use Photoshop to edit my images and then save as PSD to preserve layers, masks and the like. I then save the image as a TIFF being lossless and use this file to print in Qimage. Should I just print the PSD file and not waste my time saving a TIFF copy? Title: Re: PSD Vs TIFF Post by: admin on October 25, 2018, 02:09:51 AM You could use either one. As long as you save your PSD's in "maximize compatibility" mode, they should be readable by other programs. You could try just working with the PSD's to avoid a second copy but if you run into trouble (some forms/features of PSD's may not be compatible outside of Photoshop), just save a TIFF copy in those cases.
Regards, Mike Title: Re: PSD Vs TIFF Post by: atb on October 25, 2018, 05:26:15 PM thanks for the reply Mike :)