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Author Topic: Q U License  (Read 16805 times)
PH Focal-Scape
Sr. Member
Posts: 262

« on: July 26, 2010, 10:17:02 PM »

Hello Mike,

I would like to clarify the $89: is that a license to use for a year or open-ended use but no updates beyond 12 months?



Forum Superhero
Posts: 4293

« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2010, 11:57:56 PM »

I've put together a mini-FAQ that is linked from the Qimage homepage that answers that and other questions:


PH Focal-Scape
Sr. Member
Posts: 262

« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2010, 12:44:02 AM »

Sorry but I didn't/don't see it.

To re-phrase: If I buy QU, does that give me non-time limited use of that software, even if I choose not to buy annual updates?


Forum Superhero
Posts: 4293

« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2010, 04:05:59 PM »

Sorry but I didn't/don't see it.

To re-phrase: If I buy QU, does that give me non-time limited use of that software, even if I choose not to buy annual updates?


I see what you are asking.  Absolutely!  I would never try to "take away" software from a legitimate user.  The software license is not time limited: just the upgrades.  If you bought it and upgraded it for a year and decided you don't need/want to pay $19.99 for another year of free upgrades, you can continue to use the latest version that you installed indefinitely.  You just won't get access to versions beyond the year mark.  In fact, the change list (by version) is public, so you could even watch that list and only pay the $19.99 when you need/want a feature on that list.  If you let a year lapse and then want a full year of updates, it's still $19.99.  I won't try to charge $39.98 because you went a year without updating.  $19.99 buys you a year of updates... regardless of when you pay for it.

PH Focal-Scape
Sr. Member
Posts: 262

« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2010, 07:35:52 PM »

I see what you are asking.  Absolutely!  I would never try to "take away" software from a legitimate user.  The software license is not time limited: just the upgrades.  If you bought it and upgraded it for a year and decided you don't need/want to pay $19.99 for another year of free upgrades, you can continue to use the latest version that you installed indefinitely.  You just won't get access to versions beyond the year mark.  In fact, the change list (by version) is public, so you could even watch that list and only pay the $19.99 when you need/want a feature on that list.  If you let a year lapse and then want a full year of updates, it's still $19.99.  I won't try to charge $39.98 because you went a year without updating.  $19.99 buys you a year of updates... regardless of when you pay for it.


Thanks for the explanation Mike. I expected that was the case but felt it needed to be explained clearly.

I suspect it may help many users who have an aversion to the idea of term software licenses to decide to go ahead with the upgrade.

The price is very reasonable and should not be an issue. I wish you success with it.


Full Member
Posts: 111

« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2010, 12:10:13 PM »

Quote from: Mike Chaney
In fact, the change list (by version) is public, so you could even watch that list and only pay the $19.99 when you need/want a feature on that list.  If you let a year lapse and then want a full year of updates, it's still $19.99.  I won't try to charge $39.98 because you went a year without updating.  $19.99 buys you a year of updates... regardless of when you pay for it.
I was wondering about this point too.  Am I correct that each update is just a re-release with additional bug fixes/enhancements?  So if I let a year or two lapse and don't get versions that don't have the enhancements I personally want to pay for, and then purchase a year of updates, will the intervening enhancements be included in the latest releases?
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