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Author Topic: Qimage 'randomly' Rotated all my images!!  (Read 5280 times)
Posts: 34

« on: November 30, 2018, 03:16:52 AM »

I use Qimage to print hundreds, sometimes thousands of prints a month. It's really a great software, but today I encountered a really frustrating issue. To minimise paper wastage, today I placed all 100+ images on the canvas(?), rotating to fit nicely with minimal paper waste (I print on 24" wide paper). I then double click on an image to edit (on the canvas?) and adjusted the brightness, selected 'Apply Filter to ALL Images in the Queue'.

Qimage then proceeded to brighten all the images in the queue, which is what I wanted, but also rotated the images in what seems like random rotations and messed up my entire placement of the images.

Is there a fix in settings to avoid this issue?

Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2018, 09:55:46 AM »

I use Qimage to print hundreds, sometimes thousands of prints a month. It's really a great software, but today I encountered a really frustrating issue. To minimise paper wastage, today I placed all 100+ images on the canvas(?), rotating to fit nicely with minimal paper waste (I print on 24" wide paper). I then double click on an image to edit (on the canvas?) and adjusted the brightness, selected 'Apply Filter to ALL Images in the Queue'.

Qimage then proceeded to brighten all the images in the queue, which is what I wanted, but also rotated the images in what seems like random rotations and messed up my entire placement of the images.

Is there a fix in settings to avoid this issue?


Not knowing if you have an updated version, or if you just updated from an old versopn, there is an entire dropdown menu for selecting the type of placement.   Intelli Spaced, Intelli cut, etc.
There are 11 selections.
Choose the one that works for you
Assuming 24" roll paper, then you will be cutting out the prints?     That's what INTELLI spaced and INTELLI cut means.... auto place the prints for maximum paper saving, and or placement so the cuts line up.
Hope this helps.

Sr. Member
Posts: 369

« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2018, 01:10:11 PM »

One thing I always do when I have multiple prints in any kind of arrangement that I don't want to lose - before I do any additional editing, I save either as a job or a session.  When you recall that job, QU will put the pictures back exactly where they were, but will use the the most recent filter changes you have made.
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4287

« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2018, 04:09:50 PM »

There is one situation where applying a filter to all can cause images to rearrange on the page.  If your prints (or some of them) have auto cropping turned off and you happen to have a crop filter on the image you are editing, that crop filter will also populate to all images because it is part of the filter.  So if you happened to open an image that you had already cropped in the editor, or you created a crop for that image, not only the brightness change but also that crop will be applied to all images.  If any of your prints have auto crop turned off, that will result in the print size(s) changing which may rearrange some of the prints due to them changing size.

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