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Author Topic: Printing multiples of same size  (Read 6804 times)
Posts: 7

« on: March 19, 2011, 06:16:15 PM »

Hi there,
I'm trying to print 142 4x6s on my ipf8300, I'm using 24" roll set to be 48" long per page. I've used the online help documents to arrange them but it seems to make every page a different layout and with a number of "pinwheels" that make it difficult to run a roller trimmer. At this point I don't really care as much about the waste as I care about fewest cuts on my trimmer.

So far, I have the masters coming in already sized for 4x6, I have Auto cropping on, I have orientation unlocked, and layout set to Optimal print placement.

Please help ;-)
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2011, 06:52:55 PM »

Hi there,
I'm trying to print 142 4x6s on my ipf8300, I'm using 24" roll set to be 48" long per page. I've used the online help documents to arrange them but it seems to make every page a different layout and with a number of "pinwheels" that make it difficult to run a roller trimmer. At this point I don't really care as much about the waste as I care about fewest cuts on my trimmer.

So far, I have the masters coming in already sized for 4x6, I have Auto cropping on, I have orientation unlocked, and layout set to Optimal print placement.

Please help ;-)
OK, I can repeat your job on an Epson 7800 24 inch roll, which should make no difference in your example.
I have crop scissors on
I have padlock for image orientation on.
I told Qimage to place 142 copies of an image in the Queue after setting page size to your dimensions.
I get 33 prints to a page for 4 pages, and a 5th page of 10
All aligned, all oriented the same way.

See screen snaps.

You can get 48 to a page if I turn on Borderless and set roll size width to 24.02

« Last Edit: March 19, 2011, 07:21:06 PM by Fred A » Logged
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