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Author Topic: Qimage Editor Window Opens in Wrong Monitor  (Read 35488 times)
Dan Clark
Posts: 13

« on: March 08, 2011, 06:02:39 AM »

Hi.   When I double-click an image to open the Qimage Editor window, it always opens in my secondary, uncalibrated monitor.   I looked everywhere and tried everything, but could not find a way of making the editor window pop up in my primary monitor.   And when I drag the editor window from the secondary to the primary monitor, it just jumps back to the secondary monitor.  

This problem makes the Qimage Editor unusable.  How can I fix this?

« Last Edit: March 10, 2011, 01:27:24 PM by Dan Clark » Logged
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2011, 12:04:00 PM »

Hi Dan,
When I double-click an image to open the Qimage Editor window, it always opens in my secondary, uncalibrated monitor.   I looked everywhere and tried everything, but could not find a way of making the editor window pop up in my primary monitor.   And when I drag the editor window from the secondary to the primary monitor, it just jumps back to the secondary monitor. 
I'm working on a dual monitor system at this very moment.
I sure this is not a QU problem as it works fine here with both duplicate (clone) and extended desktop settings. With an extended desktop, I can drag the editor to display 2, and back again without any problem.
I suggest you check your display settings but I'm sorry that I cannot suggest what may be wrong  Sad
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4275

« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2011, 02:25:39 PM »

Let's start simple first.  Have you tried just dragging the editor window over to the monitor you want?  Not sure if you can do that and if you're running extended desktop or what settings you have.  Tell us more about how the dual monitors are set up and we may be able to help more.

Dan Clark
Posts: 13

« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2011, 05:14:45 PM »


Thanks for the help.  Understanding that what I'm seeing is not normal is very good information.


First, my apologies for the poorly written bug report.   I'm a professional software developer.  My bug report should have been much higher quality.   Here's what it should have looked like:

Expected Results: When I double-click an image to open the QU Editor window, the QU Editor window opens and can be moved to any window.

Actual Results: When I double-click an image to open the QUEditor window, it always opens in my secondary, uncalibrated monitor.

Repro Steps:

1) Ensure that Windows Auto Arrange is ON in "Control Panel > All Control Panel Items > Ease of Access Center > Make the mouse easier to use".   See "Windows Auto Arrange" below for detailed repro steps for setting this.

2) Open QU in primary (calibrated) monitor.

3) Double-click on an image.

4) QU Editor pops up in secondary (uncalibrated) monitor.

5) Drag QU Editor window from secondary (uncalibrated) monitor to primary (calibrated) monitor.  QU Editor snaps back to secondary (uncalibrated) monitor.

If you repeat the process, but move QU to the secondary window and then double-click on an image, the QU Editor STILL opens in the secondary window.

Comments and Further Testing: 
On a hunch, I tried setting and resetting the Windows Auto Arrange feature:

1) Set Windows Auto Arrange to "OFF" and retest.   Results: When the image is double-clicked, the QU Editor window opens in the location where it was last closed.   Then the QU Editor Window can be dragged to the left or right monitor.   

2) Set Windows Auto Arrange back to "ON" and retest.   Results: When the image is double-clicked, the QU Editor window opens in the location where it was last closed.   However, it can NOT be dragged to another monitor.     

It looks like the issue is related to the Win7 Windows Auto Arrange feature.   Since this is a nice feature that is valuable to me, I don't want to shut it off.   The way this works normally is when a window is "auto arranged" you can unlock it by clicking and dragging.  The QU Editor doesn't do this, so I believe this is a bug.

I did find a short term workaround - Turn off Windows Auto Arrange, set QU Editor to open in the primary (calibrated) window, and then turn Windows Auto Arrange back on.   The QU Editor is still permanently locked to a monitor and can't be moved, but at least it's the calibrated monitor.

Please take a look at this.



Windows Auto Arrange - To set Windows Auto Arrange ON:
1) Open Control Panel.
2) Change to “View by” Large icons (or Small icons).
3) Then click “Ease of Access Center > Make the mouse easier to use”.
4) Scroll to the “Make it easier to manage windows”.
5) Ensure that the “Prevent windows from being automatically arranged when moved to the edge of the screen” is UNCHECKED.

Basic System Information:
  • QU - the latest version (v2011.118)
  • Computer - Win7 Pro x64 running on a Core i7/920 with 12GB of memory. 
  • Video subsystem - The video card is a PNY nVidia 4000 with 2GB of memory.   The video card connects to a calibrated NEC PA271W via DisplayPort and to an uncalibrated Samsung 2443 via DVI.
  • Below are two key sections from the "System Information" analysis.  If you want the entire 3500 line file, I can PM that to you.

System Information Analysis:
System Information report written at: 03/08/11 08:25:41
System Name: xxx
[System Summary]

Item   Value   
OS Name   Microsoft Windows 7 Professional
Version   6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601   
Other OS Description    Not Available   
OS Manufacturer   Microsoft Corporation   
System Name   xxx   
System Manufacturer   System manufacturer   
System Model   System Product Name   
System Type   x64-based PC   
Processor   Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU         920  @ 2.67GHz, 3800 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)   
BIOS Version/Date   American Megatrends Inc. 0301, 11/2/2009   
SMBIOS Version   2.5   
Windows Directory   C:\Windows   
System Directory   C:\Windows\system32   
Boot Device   \Device\HarddiskVolume2   
Locale   United States   
Hardware Abstraction Layer   Version = "6.1.7601.17514"   
User Name   xxx   
Time Zone   Pacific Standard Time   
Installed Physical Memory (RAM)   12.0 GB   
Total Physical Memory   12.0 GB   
Available Physical Memory   7.41 GB   
Total Virtual Memory   30.0 GB   
Available Virtual Memory   24.8 GB   
Page File Space   18.0 GB   
Page File   D:\pagefile.sys   

Name     NVIDIA Quadro 4000   
PNP Device ID   PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_06DD&SUBSYS_078010DE&REV_A3\4&2F1C4782&0&0018   
Adapter Type   Quadro 4000, NVIDIA compatible   
Adapter Description   NVIDIA Quadro 4000   
Adapter RAM   (2,147,483,648) bytes   
Installed Drivers   nvd3dumx.dll,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvd3dum,nvwgf2um,nvwgf2um   
Driver Version   
INF File   oem74.inf (Section009 section)   
Color Planes   Not Available   
Color Table Entries   Not Available   
Resolution   Not Available   
Bits/Pixel   Not Available   
Memory Address   0xF8000000-0xFBBFFFFF   
Memory Address   0xD8000000-0xDFFFFFFF   
Memory Address   0xD4000000-0xDFFFFFFF   
I/O Port   0x0000BC00-0x0000BC7F   
IRQ Channel   IRQ 24   
I/O Port   0x000003B0-0x000003BB   
I/O Port   0x000003C0-0x000003DF   
Memory Address   0xA0000-0xBFFFF   
Driver   c:\windows\system32\drivers\nvlddmkm.sys (, 12.37 MB (12,967,528 bytes), 3/4/2011 11:42 PM)   

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4275

« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2011, 09:05:04 PM »


Thanks for the writeup.  Maybe it's too much though for my quick read on a day when I'm trying to get a new version ready but... I still didn't see where you specified how the two monitors are configured.  So I'll apologize in advance if it's already in there, but do you have a stretched desktop or duplicated?  Also (and more important), you're monitors aren't "backwards" are they: where the second monitor is to the LEFT of the primary on the stretched desktop?  Qimage doesn't support that setup.

Dan Clark
Posts: 13

« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2011, 11:08:03 PM »


Thanks for the writeup.  Maybe it's too much though for my quick read on a day when I'm trying to get a new version ready but... I still didn't see where you specified how the two monitors are configured.  So I'll apologize in advance if it's already in there, but do you have a stretched desktop or duplicated?  Also (and more important), you're monitors aren't "backwards" are they: where the second monitor is to the LEFT of the primary on the stretched desktop?  Qimage doesn't support that setup.


I understand "...trying to get a new version ready...".  For non-programmers, the English translation is something like, "I'm going nuts right now and working myself into a complete lather!"   Grin

Regarding monitor config, the answer is...  You're eyes are just fine.   I didn't include that.  So:

  • "...stretched desktop or duplicated?" - The desktop is stretched.   In Win7, the setting is "Extend these displays"
  • "...monitors aren't "backwards" are they..."? - No. The primary ("1") monitor is on the left and the secondary ("2") is on the right.

One other tidbit - resolution...  Both monitors are running at their native resolution - primary monitor at 2560 x 1440 and secondary monitor at 1900 x 1200.

Further testing - I tested further and am getting somewhat random results.   I.e., now my repro steps generate inconsistent results.  It's still bad, but it's inconsistently bad.    I need to perform additional testing to sort this out.   Note that this issue is limited to QU and does not occur in other Windows apps.

Just a suggestion... Focus on getting the new software out.   The QU Editor seems to work correctly most of the time if I play with the "Windows Auto Arrange" feature.  I can live with that until after the new version hits the (virtual) streets.  Please focus your efforts there.



p.s. In case it isn't obvious... I'm fast becoming a big fan of QU.   It's quickly becoming obvious to me that, rather than focus on a pretty UI which covers cr@ppy functionality, QU is focused on providing quality core features with a streamlined, purpose-driven UI.   I'll take that approach any day.
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4275

« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2011, 11:31:26 PM »

With that setup, it's really a pretty easy setup.  In fact, I'm really not doing anything but saving the location of the window.  For example, I have two 1920 x 1080 monitors here set up just like you on Win7 x64.  Sharing the desktop, the desktop then simply becomes 3840x1080.  If I move the editor screen over to the second monitor, the location (upper left corner) of that window becomes 1920,0.  Qimage remembers that location and from that point forward, that window gets restored to 1920,0 which puts the editor window on monitor 2.  Easy.  If I move it back onto monitor one, it's remembered location changed to 0,0 and it remains on monitor one... forever.  Never have a problem so I'm not sure what could be causing an issue there other than the fact that I've seen some people running some pretty funky "widgets" that seem to mess with things like this when running two monitors.  For me, if you drag that editor window to monitor 1, at that point I simply remember and restore it's location (presumably 0,0).  If it goes back to monitor 2, it means that something outside of Qimage is diddling with that window and moving it forcibly (beyond my control).  You don't have any utilities that try to get "cute" with how the dual monitors work do you?  I mean, other than the already mentioned auto-arrange which *shouldn't* have any effect on anything but desktop icons.

Dan Clark
Posts: 13

« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2011, 12:44:04 AM »


I'll test more tonight, but...

1) No funky widgets running.

2) AFAIK, no cute software playing with the desktop or monitors.  Also, lots of my apps have modal windows, but none have this issue.

3) Under all conditions, the QU Editor window maximizes when opened and there are no Min/Max buttons.  Also, the QU Editor window always snaps to a corner.   Is this normal?

4) I think we do NOT have the same configuration.  Your monitor configuration is a nice, consistent 3840x1080 rectangle.   Mine is not consistent - it is 4460 wide, but 1440 tall in the left monitor and 1200 tall in the right. 

5) You mentioned, "...If I move the editor screen over to the second monitor, the location (upper left corner) of that window becomes 1920,0."  Considering #5 immediately above, if my left monitor is 1440 tall and the right is 1200 tall, how should this affect the QU Editor window position when it is dragged from monitor to monitor? 



Forum Superhero
Posts: 4275

« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2011, 04:47:20 AM »

Differing screen sizes should not be an issue.  I ran two very different resolutions up until I got a new monitor a few months ago.  It was never a problem.  When you drag that window, if it successfully auto-maximizes to the monitor you dragged it to, that means QU found the correct monitor, correctly discovered its resolution, and is using the proper coordinates.

Dan Clark
Posts: 13

« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2011, 05:20:16 AM »

Differing screen sizes should not be an issue.  I ran two very different resolutions up until I got a new monitor a few months ago.  It was never a problem.  When you drag that window, if it successfully auto-maximizes to the monitor you dragged it to, that means QU found the correct monitor, correctly discovered its resolution, and is using the proper coordinates.


First, when it's working, it auto-maximizes to the larger, calibrated monitor.  When it's not working properly, it auto-maximizes only to the smaller, non-calibrated monitor.   When it's not working, it will snap back to the smaller monitor.   However the BIG issue I just uncovered is...

QU does the same thing on my laptop!   To test this problem, I installed QU on my office laptop which is connected to two monitors in it's docking station and got the exact same problem.  The laptop is a Lenovo and is completely different from my home workstation, including the monitors and video card.   It even has a slightly different OS - Win7 64 Ultimate on my laptop and Win7 64 on my home workstation.  

Except for MS Office 10, the office laptop and the home workstation have only two things in common - Qimage and Win7 SP1.  So I wonder if it's related to SP1?  Does your test system have Win7 SP1?  

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2011, 11:18:15 AM »

Hi Dan & Mike,
So I wonder if it's related to SP1?  Does your test system have Win7 SP1?
Just to add to my Reply #1 below for your information:
The laptop I used is W7-64 with SP1. It's resolution is 1280x800 px and the second "monitor" was in fact a projector 1024x780 px.
As I said, all behaved as expected and as Mike has described. Also no problems with PowerPoint in dual mode.
Dan Clark
Posts: 13

« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2011, 02:41:02 PM »


Thanks for the feedback but I believe your situation is different. When you say, "dual mode", I assume you mean the WP7 "Duplicate these displays"option.  That's making a copy of a single monitor - in the same or different resolutions.   I.e. when you open the QU Editor window, does it pop up in both and you're not dragging the QU Editor window between monitors?  

The problem I'm seeing occurs in a dual monitor situation with a shared desktop (the WP7 "Extend these displays" option) and the inability to move the QU Editor between displays.


« Last Edit: March 09, 2011, 02:47:39 PM by Dan Clark » Logged
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2011, 03:11:54 PM »

When you say, "dual mode", I assume you mean the WP7 "Duplicate these displays"option.
I tried both cloned and extended desktops. With the former, the editor appeared on both screens, with the latter it initially appeared on screen 1 and then I dragged it to screen 2 where it stayed until it was dragged back.
I may get a chance to check again tomorrow and I'll take more notice the resolutions. In extended mode the resolution of screen 2 not matter if the editor was on screen 1.
Dan Clark
Posts: 13

« Reply #13 on: March 09, 2011, 03:47:34 PM »

I don't know if the problem is related to high resolution.  My workstation monitors are 2560X1440 and 1900X1200.  My laptop monitors are both 1600X1200. 


Forum Superhero
Posts: 4275

« Reply #14 on: March 09, 2011, 06:52:37 PM »

I have a Lenovo laptop and a high res monitor.  I'll try different combos later and see what I can get.

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