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Author Topic: Qimage Editor Window Opens in Wrong Monitor  (Read 35275 times)
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4247

« Reply #30 on: March 16, 2011, 08:23:37 PM »

By your screen shots, it appears that monitor 2 is set as your main display and monitor 1 is really the second monitor.  As I've said before, Qimage does not support this setup where your desktop "extends backwards", i.e. your desktop starts on the right and extends to the left.  A bug in the Studio Edition is actually what caused it to work (for that particular function anyway).

Posts: 9

« Reply #31 on: March 16, 2011, 08:59:34 PM »

OK, so I reversed the monitors.  Realined all the icon back to the smaller menu monitor... but the Win Task bar is on my PS working desktop.  I did not want that, which is why the monitors were set up that way.  The little monitor on the right (and I'm right handed) contains all my palettes, menus and and Windows task bar.

I checked, and from the little I read, the Win task bar will anchor to any of the 4 side of the main monitor, but I can't seem to figure out how to transfer it to my smaller menu/control monitor.   Any hints?

QImage doe appear to work correctly that way.  A nice relief  Smiley
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4247

« Reply #32 on: March 17, 2011, 12:14:36 AM »

In comparing the code, I see that the only thing that changed in the recent two versions is the size of the edit window: it now only occupies the defined work area instead of the whole monitor.  So, going back to your original setup, if the edit window stayed on the correct monitor and the only problem was that it got squished into the left side of that monitor, then you have a problem with your video driver or the way you have your desktops defined.  Simply put, look at your Qult_2 screen shot from the first batch of screen shots.  That tiny area on the left of that monitor is what Windows is reporting as your work space on that monitor.  The old version (and Studio) worked for you because they sized to the size of the entire monitor.  This is incorrect because it would cover up the Windows task bar (or be under it actually): the window should size to the size of the defined work area for the monitor it is on.  That's the way it works now.  So Windows is reporting that small sliver as your work area.  Nothing I can do about that.  You need to find the source of the problem: the reason that your work area for that monitor is so small.

Posts: 9

« Reply #33 on: March 17, 2011, 03:13:42 AM »

Thank you so much.  I understand your analysis.

I'm actually starting to appreciate the bar at the bottom - it's only 1-2" mouse swing.  Guess we'll look at the set up later, and/or wait for a new driver.  The key of cource was to solve this and get 'Ultimate' working. Your yellow logo now has a 'Smiley' face.

THANK YOU for your fine support.

-= Chris =-
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