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Author Topic: Qimage for Image Layouts for printing - Can I?  (Read 9457 times)
Posts: 5

« on: December 16, 2013, 06:43:12 PM »

I was looking for a tool that can help layout multiple images on a single print job / Sheet. (similar to what Imageprint by colorbyte offers for Epson printers). I read about Qimage   however after reading about it more and watching your videos I am not able to confirm if Qimage can do a pass through, i.e. can I “only” use Qimage for image layouts and not 'touch' with the processing i.e. sharpening, color etc.  in any way.


If yes Qimage can do the way I am wanting, then where and how does the color management occur when printing via Qimage? I’d like the color to be managed by Photoshop
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2013, 09:31:27 PM »

i.e. can I “only” use Qimage for image layouts and not 'touch' with the processing
The answer is YES but you would normally carry on and print with Qimage. Image editing (sharpening, colour etc.) is separate functionality.
Qimage is a fully colour managed application and it helps to have the colour space embedded in the image - which is the normal way of communicating colour between and within applications. If you are using PS to prepare your images then do make sure the colour space is embedded in the image. Also, NEVER resize in PS, let QU do that automatically, it is far superior to any other application.that's why prints from QU are always better.
You mentioned sharpening, it should be pointed out that QU does smart print sharpening according to the image and print parameters; another special feature to ensure top quality prints.
The techy stuff is here:
I've mentioned this latter information about Deep Focus Sharpening because that is used for the print smart sharpening too.
I am not able to confirm if Qimage can do a pass through,
Not sure what you mean by this. If it means producing an image to print, the answer is also yes but if you own a printer, you'd be crazy not to use QU to do the printing too.

I hope that is some help for you. Come back & ask some more at any time.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2013, 09:35:56 PM by Terry-M » Logged
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4278

« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2013, 09:38:37 PM »

Adding to what Terry wrote, you can turn all that off as well.  Just look at the job properties on the lower right of the main window.  Set them all to "off" if you like, or just turn on the Prtr ICC if you want a printer profile.  Ability to turn off all interpolation and sharpening in this way is available for special  jobs because there are some types of tasks that have special setups where you can't alter the prepared output: lenticular printing would be one example.  So in short, yes, you can turn all that off... if you have those special requirements.

Posts: 5

« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2013, 09:05:57 AM »

Thank You Terry and Mike. Thanks for the responses. These are quite helpful. I'll experiment with different QU options to get a good feel of it. 

Color Space:  My default is  ProPhoto RGB and i am sure information is embedded in the psd / tiffs.  Is there a way to validate this in PS.

Print sharpening: As i understand you are recommending I bring the image in QU without any output sharpening in PS and let that be handled via QU algorithms. Right?

Terry: You recommended "Also, NEVER resize in PS, let QU do that automatically," What do you mean by automatic resize. I did not get that part?

thanks again
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2013, 11:40:08 AM »

Is there a way to validate this in PS
You can easily tell in QU. Mouse over the thumbnail in QU, the exif data and profile show in the "Exif hotbar" below the thumbs. If the profile has asterisks before & after, it's embedded.
If it's not, QU may default to sRGB. With Jpegs from a camera, QU will read the exif tag sRGB or Adobe RGB. You can override the indicated profile, where you know for sure what the image colour space is, in the image editor where no change is made to the image but it's made by a "filter".
As i understand you are recommending I bring the image in QU without any output sharpening in PS and let that be handled via QU algorithms. Right?
What do you mean by automatic resize. I did not get that part?
This is fundamental to the way QU works because it resizes an image as it is sent to the printer to the native resolution of the printer, 720ppi for Epson, 600ppi for Canon. QU reads this from the driver. This process avoids the driver doing any interpolation and the QU interpolation algorithm (Fusion), which is a world beater, has control. This also means only one interpolation is recommended in the process so any re-sizing prior to printing in QU will degrade the print.
See the second link in my previous post.
Hope that helps to make things clear.

Posts: 5

« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2013, 08:39:58 PM »

Thank you Terry.  This discussion had helped me understand the true potential of QU
Posts: 5

« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2013, 10:13:54 PM »

Just a quick update:  I did few test prints on ipf8400 with Breathing Color papers and I like what i an getting from QU. Exactly what i was looking for from nesting perspective.

I played around a bit with the sharpening features and compared with my current sharpening tools/workflow. Results are encouraging. I will do some more tests.

Soft proofing: When i go into soft proofing window is there a way to do soft proofing ON / OFF for quick comparison like we have in PS.
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2013, 10:29:43 PM »

Pleased to hear you are getting on with QU ok. It is very powerful for printing in terms of layout etc. There's lots of features and like any sophisticated program, takes a while to learn the detail. As we said, ask here; if one the regulars here can't give an answer, Mike, the program developer monitors the forum.
Soft proofing: When i go into soft proofing window is there a way to do soft proofing ON / OFF for quick comparison
Yes -
Hover mouse over thumbnail, hold CTRL and press the space bar - that gives the soft proof version. Repeatedly pressing the space bar changes to & from the soft proof view.
Soft proof is also available in the Page Editor, no quick comparison though.
One other clever feature related to print colour management, you can print images on the same page, or set of pages (ie. those in the queue), each with a different printer profile. Useful when comparing profiles.
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