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Author Topic: Qimage = lightroom  (Read 5445 times)
Posts: 25

« on: December 04, 2019, 10:32:28 PM »

1st, let me say I am new to digital. My field has been in film all these years.

With that, I dont have the Qimage as yet and I am just learning lightroom. I am fairly proficient at photoshop.

Given what I have seen online, why would one want both lightroom and Qimage? What is the advantage to having both?

Any opinions would be helpful.  Thanks, Dave W
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2019, 11:14:34 AM »

Given what I have seen online, why would one want both lightroom and Qimage? What is the advantage to having both?

Any opinions would be helpful.  Thanks, Dave W
It would take  three days to explain why Qimage is better in every aspect.
POINT ONE. The prints are sharper, have more detail, accurate color and simple to use.

POINT TWO DFS    Deep Focus sharpening    Go to http://www.ddisoftware.com/qimage-u/learn.htm
Then see attached screen snap and play the video for Deep Focus sharpening.

The obvious quality improvement is a sample of the improvement from any part of digital developing.
Raw refinement through jpg developing....
I can make borders around my prints, as many as you want.... any color, any thickness, and multiple borders in 30 seconds.

Give it a try.....
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2019, 05:58:39 PM »

You can why read here too.
As well as printing, raw processing and editing is very good. At least 90% of my prints are direct from the raw image. I occasionally do a bit of cloning or perspective correction in other software (not Adobe!).
QU is King of photographic printing (and Queen if you like).
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Posts: 265

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« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2019, 11:43:05 AM »

To add to what Terry and Fred said, If you are using Lightroom and Photoshop The advantage of using QI for printing are:

Sharper prints
The ability to save complete printer setups, including Paper size, paper type, colour profile,  and borderless (if used), and recall them with a few clicks.
The ability to save the completed job after printing, and recall it at any time in the future if you want to do a reprint.
These last two are worth he money alone!
The ability to add one or two borders to prints
the ability to add free text, or extract text from IPTC data and place it anywhere on the print or the page
The ability to set up layouts or templates, where you simply add a new print, prints or multiple sizes of prints to a custom set-up.

There is also the ease of use, where you easily add photos to the page at the required size.

There are also many other features such as raw file conversion which I don't use, but the list above makes it invaluable to me.

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